About Words of power

I recently read the book “Words of power” by GOM and found one that would be quite useful for a ritual I am designing, the problem is that the words must be pronounced while looking at a sigil associated with it. It would be too tedious to have to turn on my computer and put there an image of the sigil every time I want to perform the ritual (it is one that I have to do almost daily and at the moment printing is not an option, nor looking at it from the cell phone because it has a very small screen) so my question is: Will it work if I just pronounce it? The prayer is in Hebrew, which I have heard that by itself is a sacred/magickal language but I have not been able to research on the subject (because I don’t even know where to do it) so I have come to ask for your help. Do any of you have experience in doing magick simply using words? Is it true that Hebrew is magickal? Will a spell work by simply pronouncing the prayer associated with it in the correct language? Is what I want to do possible?

I understand you that printing is not always possible ^^ my late dad’s business laser printer has been without ink for like, months.
so…why not try to draw the sigil? it doesn’t have to be perfection.
I think it’s a meaningful gesture for the magick too.

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Read the chapter on using the Words in emergency situations. You don’t need the sigil; use it if you can but once you’ve activated the Words, they can be used without it. The sigils are just the words you’re speaking written out in Hebrew anyway.

This afternoon I did the activation ritual and I had several failures because I got nervous, every time I failed, I started over until I finally got it right (I just had a small mistake that seemed insignificant) so I should be able to use the words by now, right? No problem for having done what I did?

No, there should be no problem.

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