About demons

We know 72 demons in goetia. İs there any other demons


Goetic demons dont seem like demons to me, id hate to encounter a real demon.
There are necromantic demons

[quote=“goldcoins, post:3, topic:9182”]Goetic demons dont seem like demons to me, id hate to encounter a real demon.
There are necromantic demons[/quote]
What would you consider to be a ‘real demon’? The spirits of the goetia are considered demons by many religions. There are demons/ spirits in necromancy, but most are similar in nature to the helpful spirits we find in the goetia.
If you mean something evil and malicious, then I’d say a better name would be ‘moneters’. Certainly plenty of those to be found, though the majority are weak and pose no danger to even an apprentice level sorcerer.
Usually such creatures sculk around the astral, occasionally attacking weaker or frail people and spirits. There are a few who are powerful, but if handled with caution they can be worked with.
But to answer the OP’s question, yes there are lots of different demons outside of the goetia.

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Not the Goetics. Most of them are either lesser angels, wild spirits, or elemental polarities of the elemental kings. For instance, Aim is the dark arm of the Fire Elemental King.

I wouldn’t call Lucifer a demon, he’s closer to a god, but Satan is a demon.

Demons are just predominantly Yin-based consciousness. The most demonic of the Goetics would have to be Belial, as his entire “law of the self” mechanic is the most pure Yin function of the Goetics.

Real demons are entities like Lilith, Beelzebub, Set, Apep, and so on.

The spirits of the goetia are considered demons by many religions.


There are demons/ spirits in necromancy, but most are similar in nature to the helpful spirits we find in the goetia.

That’s an overstatement. Necromancy isn’t simply one current, it in fact isn’t one at all- the current is death, and all things one day die. This is reflected in the nature of the spirits of death and of the dead. Some are helpful, yes, but some are wrathful, some are wild, and some are no better than wild beasts that will charge you down if you approach them.

That is not like the Goetia.

If you mean something evil and malicious, then I'd say a better name would be 'moneters'. Certainly plenty of those to be found, though the majority are weak and pose no danger to even an apprentice level sorcerer.

I assume you mean sentient drudge emotions, such as “filth” entities Eva mentioned in one of her posts that Belial threw at her in dreams.

Those aren’t monsters.

True monsters can be angelic or demonic in nature, yang or yin, and are characterized by their immense power and feral nature.

Monsters murder sorcerers.

What you call “monsters”, are just puny little parasites. They don’t even deserve the title of monster.

Usually such creatures sculk around the astral, occasionally attacking weaker or frail people and spirits. There are a few who are powerful, but if handled with caution they can be worked with.

Some true monsters may be worked with, yes, as most have a simple form of action-reward thought.

However, if they see a bigger reward in killing you, they’ll happily rip you and your entire family to shreds.

I wasn’t referring to the filth entities discussed by Eva. I was referring to the same thing you were, judging by what you’ve written.
I disagree with the idea of monsters murdering sorcerers. Monsters murder the weak and ignorant. If you know how to deal with them, they’re manageable.
I’ve hunted a number of astral monsters in the past and yes they are feral and dangerous, but most aren’t as bad as youve made them out to be. I’ve only ever encountered a couple that made me doubt whether I’d come out on top.
As for my point on the spirits of the goetia being considered demons: Demon is a highly subjective term, most commonly used to refer to an entity considered evil by an established religion.
Working off that basis, surely they’d fall under the category of demon.
I agree with the idea of Lucifer being a god, but I wouldn’t say that means you couldn’t also classify him as a demon.

I realize now we may be talking about different “classes” of monster.

I've hunted a number of astral monsters in the past and yes they are feral and dangerous, but most aren't as bad as youve made them out to be. I've only ever encountered a couple that made me doubt whether I'd come out on top.

Have you encountered any not from Here? Genuine question, I’m curious to know your “sample size”.

As for my point on the spirits of the goetia being considered demons: Demon is a highly subjective term, most commonly used to refer to an entity considered evil by an established religion.

Ah, see, I thought you were using that as a working basis as opposed to a common base.

I agree with the idea of Lucifer being a god, but I wouldn't say that means you couldn't also classify him as a demon.

I’d say that he actually fits the category of “fallen angel” very nicely, as he is a predominantly yang force that yet holds demonic principles and mechanics.

there are some demons out there were probably haven’t even contacted like Ahmet until I was basically introduced by Azazel I hain’t heard of him and no one I’ve talked to hasee either

To answer velotaks question: I’ve hunted monsters from our plane, deep space, azathoths realm and from right across the astral.
Among the most unpleasant one I faced was a large leviathan like creature, had a miasma of lesser monsters that crawled around it. Fought it back the first time before binding and destroying it.
Been hired to hunt monsters that were attacking people in the past, by far the most interesting and varied aspect of magic in my opinion.
The most unpleasant and powerful creature I ever encountered was actually from our realm. It was a humanoid figure with incredible control of energy vampirism and death magic.
Didn’t actually hunt this one. I summoned it to ask a question, it’s probably the only time I’ve ever been concerned about a ritual. That said, I wasnt nearly as experienced when I performed the ritual. Would be more comfortable performing the summoning now.

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Hmmm… In coming in contact with some serious entities who may in some sources be called demons and in others gods… I’m inclined to agree with the statement of some “monsters” can and will kill you… not really going to go into too much personal experience but… I’m sure of it based on personal experience. I have also witnessed them doing far worse to others in my life. When you can reach inside another living being and end them in an instance only to revive them then I will think you are a magician of the caliber that can take out such beings… not being rude. Just saying I can’t count someone able to knock something like that out unless they can do the same or greater. I do know they will test some though… like a boot camp of sorts.


Indeed. Most of the spirits I work with I’m introduced to, ordinarily speaking. Diathaan is one such example.

I get where you are coming from with the idea of you’ll need to be better or at least equal at their magic. But in reality you don’t need to match them at their magic to kill them because you don’t fight them with their magic.
The trick to killing a monster is binding it in place, after that just blast it with energy until there is only a mound of paste where the monster used to be.
Not generally a good idea to go up against one with out binding it first… Being near impervious to curses helps alot too

If that were the case then how are they showing up to other magicians?

In my experience, when a Magician kill a Spirit be it a monster etc. This Spirit stop to exist in the subjective reality of the Magicien who killed it, but not in the one of other Magician who didn’t , this would , in my opinion and experience explain why a Spirit that other Magician claim to have killed can still manifest to other Magician who didn’t

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Mephistor is more or less correct. The killing of a spirit generally is for that magician alone. It’s is possible to kill them completely though, unless it’s a thought form of course.
Though to relate it to the context, I have yet to have someone encounter a living version of a spirit or monster I’ve killed.

Mephistor is more or less correct. The killing of a spirit generally is for that magician alone. It’s is possible to kill them completely though, unless it’s a thought form of course.
Though to relate it to the context, I have yet to have someone encounter a living version of a spirit or monster I’ve killed.[/quote]

Well, in my experience other Magician have encoutered Spirits i have Killed, and i have done so as well, Of course this all relate to my UPG, so your Right by saying i’m more or less correct, We all are more or less correct when it come to UPG