
Can someone explain to me who is abaddon?

here is a lot of informatiom about him also on google there is a lot of informations about him too…search :blush:

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yes but on google you have few information send the link of the site to min?

It’s the search option right on this forum. Click the magnifying glass top right next to your profile picture and type your key words.

There isn’t too much useful info about Abaddon, for He is not " that famous " like Belial, Lucifer etc. :woman_shrugging:

You can PM me if you want to know something else about Him, because He is my Patron, but first check out this.

Have fun.

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Does anyone have a prayer to abaddon?

You can use His enn:

Es na ayer Abaddon avage.

Moderator notice 13th February 2020: this member copies below an entire prayer taken from https://blackwitchcoven.com/black-magick-spell-grimore/revenge-spells/death-spells/abaddon-the-destroyer-death-spell/ and posted it without attribution or a link, without using quote tags, which makes this appear to be her own work. The member was banned once the misuse was verified, forum policy aggressively pursues abuse of copyrighted material.


My black angel, who has fallen from the sky, surrounded by flames, with his glittering sword you have kept me on the hottest fire of the abyss where you trained me against all evils.
May my enemy never afflict me!
Oh, My Creator!
Archangel of the seven wings that came to my aid, consecrate me and eliminate any weakness that I may have before my enemy!
Show no mercy, pity, and compassion before him who rises against me.
Totally annihilate the purest feeling, only leaving my hatred for the utter annihilation of my enemy.
Everyone who tries to stand up against me, when they look at my face, may they tremble and fall before my feet;
Oh! Lord of destruction, Father of all pestilences, listen to the cry of this son and
fulfill my cry for vengeance.
Drag those that I whispered in your ear through the wind, and annihilate them!
Winged Guardian, protect this son and do justice against all my enemies!
So be it!
So be it!


Do you have that prayer?

It’s right there, dude. Nagash posted it above.

Translated to Portuguese because I’m bored and sleepless:

Meu anjo negro, aquele que caiu do céu, cercado pelas chamas, com sua espada resplandecente, você me manteve no mais ardente fogo do abismo, onde me treinou contra todos os maus.
Que meu inimigo nunca me atinja!
Oh, Meu Criador!
Arcanjo das sete asas que veio em meu auxílio, consagre-me e elimine todas fraquezas que eu possa ter perante o meu inimigo!
Não demonstre misericórdia, pena e compaixão para aquele que se levantar contra mim.
Aniquile completamente o sentimento mais puro (?), apenas deixando meu ódio para total aniquilação de meu inimigo.
Todos aqueles que se levantarem contra a mim, quando olharem para minha face, que eles tremam e caiam diante de meus pés.
Oh! Deus da destruição, Pai de todas as pestilências, ouça o apelo deste seu filho e realize o meu clamor por vingança.
Arraste através do vento aqueles que sussurei em seu ouvido e aniquile-os!
Guardião Alado, proteja este filho e faça justiça contra todos os meus inimigos!
Que assim seja!
Que assim seja!

Faça um favor a si mesmo e aprenda a utilizar a busca do fórum. É só clicar na lupa :mag: e digitar o que tu queres.

Hi a few remarks.

Please don’t make 2 similar topics or 2 topics with the same title. Yesterday I’ve explained you to use the search button too with the word ‘Prayer’. Please do some digging yourself and if you have a question then we are willing to help. And have some imagination, improvisation. It isn’t that hard to call to an entity and say a prayer.


^ Good advice, please heed it in future @Matheus_Alves. :+1: