A weird, haunted situation

Hi all! I’ve searched through previous threads to see if my question/situation for in another thread. I don’t feel like it really does but if I’m wrong please point me in the right direction. I’m eager to learn from all of you here and the last thing I’d want to be is an annoyance.
So With that said I’ll just jump into it. I live in Las Vegas in a fairly new home towards the southwest side of town. I don’t feel like the entity that’s been causing issues is necessarily tied to this location, it just kind of made itself at home here and didn’t want to leave. Now this wouldn’t be a problem if it were a little mischievous or just generally quiet but that has not been the case. It HATES my fiancé. It used to actively mess with him, hiding and moving his things as well as pushing him especially when going down the stairs. With me it more just let me know it was there, light turning on and off and the like. But it was very attached to my then infant son. It interacted with him nearly constantly. He’d crawl into the hallway and look up and start laughing hysterically when there was nothing there. I’d watch his eyes (and our two cats’ eyes) track something moving that my fiancé and I couldn’t see. We initially tried a gentle “hey, it’s time to go and move on into the light” spell and things got so much worse. I could tell at that point that try e spirit now really didn’t like me either though it was more just feelings of foreboding coming from certain parts of the house and we largely left each other alone. Things did continue to escalate with the ghost and my fiancé though so we performed a banishment with black sally and protection sigils that seems to be holding well.
However. I’m wondering if it has somehow moved into the mirrors in our home because I did t think to cleanse/protect those. My son (who is now 18 months old and functioning at a level much higher than his age) is obsessed with the mirrors in our house. But not in a normal developmental way. He treat the reflection in the mirror like it’s his friend. He interacts with it the way he would another child. And I’m not going to lie, it does freak me out a little because I’m terrified of the possibility of something happening to him because I made a lot of stupid mistakes when I first started practicing and before as a child, especially when it came to mirrors.
So I guess what I’m asking boils down to these points:
-do you guys think the ghost/spirit/entity/whatever has in Fact moved into the mirror
-or is it something else entirely in the mirror
-is it possibly harmful/dangerous
-how do I go about find out what/who it is in the mirrors
-if it is something I need to banish the what would be the best way to go about doing so?
Any input is greatly appreciated. And thank you to all of you who took the time to read my post


If you can, buy a copy of ‘Magickal Protection’ by Damon Brand. There’s a lot of extremely powerful workings you can use in there for this, and if the spirit is not malevolent or harmful in any way, they will not be removed through the workings.


It could have, yes.

This is also a possibility. Mirrors are portals to the spiritual world as they mimic the properties of Water, one of the three major gateways to the spiritual realms, so they can be used as egress for spirits.

You would have to investigate this further, maybe do a divination. I would say yes, though, because it is trying to influence your son.


A strong banishing ritual, and a sealing of the mirror portal.


Awesome. I will definitely get that ASAP


That’s what I was afraid of. It feels* the same as the ghost did but a little more slippery. I did a little test in the form of talking about banishment and sealing of the mirror around our son, near the mirror to see if the mirror would t cause some sort of shift in behavior for the worse. Lo and behold not 5 minutes later he’s acting super out of character rambunctious and destructive. He IS a toddler. A boy toddler at that so rambunctiousness and destruction are always on the menu to a certain degree but this was above and beyond anything I’ve ever seen. So you’re right. Whatever it is is very interested in my son and already has its hooks in to a certain extent.
When it comes to divination done to find out what something is or wants I’m completely inexperienced. Any suggestions? I feel like a moron asking but I’d rather be an informed moron than a prideful, willfully ignorant idiot


Since your son’s behaviour has already become out of character, I would skip the divination and just go straight to banishment, sealing the mirror, and setting up wards of protection. The spirit has already shown that it has malicious intent, so it needs to be shown the door immediately.


How is a mirror sealing done? Or opening for that matter?

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I would say still to go with the book I recommended, I have no doubt it will sort out the trouble. Just the Banishing alone in there can be enough to solve the problem, but if you want to go the full length, there is a ritual in there that you can do for 33 days that does a lot more than just protect, a ritual to protect one’s home that should also seal off the mirror and prevent the spirit from returning, and a ritual to protect loved ones that should prevent the spirit from otherwise returning to your son. And also a ritual dedicated to clearing a haunting, which you can direct at the mirror, as well as another that can remove spiritual parasitic beings. See how it goes.


You can also cover the mirror to prevent the spirit from entering while you go about your cleansing.


To seal it, you would generally do the same thing you would do to seal any object, astrally draw either an equal armed cross or a pentagram upon it and declare, by the authority of whatever you consider the Most High, the intention to prevent any trespass.


@DarkestKnight & @anon74630111 what are your thoughts on post banishment and protective ceremony servitors in this situation? She could employ protective servitors like Luna to keep a stubborn entity from making any headway getting back in. I think your advice, both of you is soot on for the OP.


A guardian servitor is a good idea, once the portal is sealed. Both active and passive wards should be employed.


I think a servitor can be a good addition if it is a particularly troublesome spirit. I’d say, try the other rituals first, as they were also designed with extremely hostile and troublesome spirits in mind, but if you find that the spirit ever returns, a servitor can definitely be a great idea, especially one dedicated to your son.


What is a servitor?

It’s a spirit construct created by a magician, popular in the Chaos Magick paradigm.


In other words, it’s essentially a Spirit you create yourself, but it will be pure Spirit, lacking its own consciousness.

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Is creating one covered in the book you suggested or on here anywhere? The book should be arriving early today thank goodness

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It is not discussed in that book as it’s not essential to it, but Damon Brand does have a book on creating Servitors called “Magickal Servitors” that is a good guide.

But on the forum we do actually have a tutorial:


Thank you thank you thank you. You’ve been so helpful. You guys rock


All of these advice work very well!

I would also add, you can try calling out to Jesus in prayer

Try the Lord’s prayer a couple times (with faith)

Ecce Crucem Domini! Fugite partes adverse!
Vicit Leo de Tribu Juda, Radix David! Alleluia!

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