A very late Elven greeting

:joy: well if she’s around sometime, ask her!

I put the ring she’s bound to to my third eye and I heard a faint “yes”

He’ll be happy to know that.

Maybe they should get together and have a chat eh? Lol

Holy shit that language is powerful!
Hell yeah @chi :metal:
Awesome Job

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I’m glad you like it :slight_smile:

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He said “Tohmaiden” aka thanks

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Your welcome

You got it right.

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Welcome Elkhaiden

What is the name of you home world.:metal:

Sadly, he can’t disclose that information but he appreciates the welcome all the same.

I would say Tamriel, sounds pritty elvish.

I saw green open land while reading his words and my ears felt so heated… Don’t know why ?! Ask him about this!

he said he’s never heard of it. his sense if humor is…unique.

He’s unsure why you experienced that.

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I tried again and saw the same view… Maybe something else dk

@chi if it is too much of a bother I had a being last night come to me preferring to write through automatic writing… it said it was female and an elf… when I asked where it was from it just drew in spirals like a magnetic field but at an angle I saw an eye in the middle. It suggested I learn elvish but could not tell me which. Had a very heavy energy behind it. It gave me the impression when it was drawing the “hole in paper” for lack of better term (which it was sure to use every bit of ink left in my pen) it came from either the center of the earth or a black hole… any insight on this mayhaps or do I got me someone messing with me?

if you have any friends that could find this beings energy and latch onto it, id double check what you heard.

as for learning elven, i cant exactly tell you the best way to go about it. the way ive learned is through spirits who have recognized my ability to speak it and it autotranslates in my head.

For you, if its legit, id suggest working with the spirit one on one and doing trips in astral, conversing with it daily to learn


I am an elf XD

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