A spell for manifesting an un-godly amount of money!

Okay now that I have your attention lets get to brainstorming. I have performed a couple of candle rituals that have manifested small amounts of money, $20 here $60 there, and used some candle sold to me from a pagan peddler that generated me a small but noticeable amount of increase in my business, one or two clients added during the week of burning vs. no clients added the three weeks not burning said candle. But that’s not the real hardcore I’m looking for. I’m looking to have my business running over with new clients, luck when I buy lotto tickets or any other means of generating bountiful amounts of money so my needs are truly met. Are we not sorcerers here? Do we not have the power within ourselves to do this? Seems like all that’s missing is the correct formula, cheat code or the magick word. So my fellow magicians, what’s your secret? What’s working for you. EA what’s your advice?


Ever since I first started doing magic, I’ve had a nagging, angry conviction way down at that unquantifiable, sub-identity level that there was something missing from the instructions I was finding even in the best books when it came to matters specifically and exclusively related to monetary currency. Every other similar deep conviction that I had starting out has eventually proven itself 100% true. Information cannot evade me forever. I know when something’s missing, and there’s this part of me that digs in and nags at me to hold out for the real thing. No matter the subject, whenever I listen to that conviction and hold out instead of trying to hack it with what I’ve got, it always brings me the real McCoy sooner or later.
So let me spell out specifically what I know, and I have been given sufficient hints and teases to confirm the core truth of this. –
There is an established method. It is like a code. The execution is completely internal. You lean back and close your eyes and there’s a certain sequence that you perform. I have very clear sense-images, but they’re hard to put in words. It’s “like throwing a switch”. You get that sense of movement in your Ajna chakra, and that movement is like making a pattern or punching in a code. It’s currently an open secret. It was made for everyone who asks for it. It was intended to be more freely available than it is at this time, but it is completely open to anyone who knows how to access it. Somebody has bottlenecked access by blocking discussion and awareness, but it is impossible to block.
I think the reason it’s impossible to block is, I have the impression that it’s designed to reveal and provide itself to anyone who knows to call for it. It was strategically designed so no one could ever truly restrict access to it.
Sorry for the sprawl. I slipped into transcription mode there.


No worries, Sultitan_Itan! We folks have a tendency to value transmissions - maybe because we all “go there” once or twice.

Sounds solid to me … :wink: Z

@ Sultitan_Itan, is this what you are referring too? Or something similar too it? [url=http://anmolmehta.com/blog/2009/05/26/money-making-meditation/]http://anmolmehta.com/blog/2009/05/26/money-making-meditation/[/url]

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I found this one on the same site as well, it doesn’t involve the ajna chakra, but it seems powerful nonetheless. I am going to add this to my daily ritual and see what happens. I will definitely let you all know my results :wink:


I’m actually conducting an experiment with this later on tonight I’ll get back with you guys if it pans out.

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No. It’s not a technique and not psychology, there’s no indirection. It’s a glyph or something that routes you directly to something on the astral - possibly higher. You visualize or project this glyph and interact with it a certain way and currency is routed to you immediately. There’s no coincidence, no event that brings the money. It just shows up nearby or on your person. I’ve had first-hand accounts of people who’ve seen other people do it, and I’ve had dreams about it. In the accounts I’ve heard, the witness saw the individual look up at something, then reach up and make a gesture with a hand as though interacting with it. The impression I get is that it was intended as protection from political oppression and wage slavery/servitude- to make it impossible to cut off a practitioner’s access to funds and necessities. For example, if something happened and you had to get out of the country immediately and leave all your possessions behind - and remember Rome started the craze for burning occultists at the stake - you would not be hindered by currency. It also enables you to operate underground and completely remove yourself from human culture for long periods without having to move into a cave.

Anyway, I’m beginning to think the role of the Ajna chakra is understated. I think it’s this chakra that actually “does” magic, not our minds. Magic was always something I could just do until I realized I could do it and then I struggled trying to figure out HOW I did it. All I did as a kid was decide what I wanted and there would be this movement in my forehead and I’d get it. It’s taken a couple years to start figuring out what the hell shouting barbarous words and waving a sword around had to do with going quietly inside myself and getting a weird feeling in my forehead.


@Sultitan_Itan - I am fascinated with this concept and it draws together information I’ve sifted thru over the years, reading up on some of the ‘ancient’ Yogis, the modern Healing traditions like Reiki.

In the here & now, I’m starting to ponder the possibility that all this ties together in a way I don’t yet understand: Angelic intervention, Demon evocation, Meditation, success by focusing upon sigils & seals, all the “phemonena” we experience personally, like astral travel & sudden knowledge & 'coincidences … there is obviously an ENORMOUS amount of Nonphysical Assistance that is Willing, accessible & available to us. And it appears to be extremely broad in both Intelligence & Capability; far above & beyond our anything we’ve yet experienced.

But it sure seems likely that our energetic system - some blend of our individual Thought/ Emotion/ Personality is linked to or tied in with this Impersonal but Friendly “cosmis mind” for lack of a better word. And I absorb these “unbelievable” stories for the Inspiration & Impetus they are. It can be done - has been done. Therefore I have the possibility of doing it. :wink: Z

Sultan, I’m with you on this. It’s very interesting.

The best result for Money I have had is actually with stuff from Geoff Grey Cobbs New Avatar Power, an book with an unfortunately tacky presentation.

The result was approximately worth $3,000 (before tax)

At the time I was working as a contract worker in the field of health care being payed fortnightly, my average fortnightly earnings pre-tax were about $5,000 to $7,000. I worked the ritual for approximately a week as indicated and saw my earnings rise to above $10,000 for that fortnightly period. I was pretty impressed.

The real question I think is not so much are you getting a big number but is it proportionately big compared to your normal income?

If I was only earning a few hundred dollars a week then a cool $3,000 is a huge deal, about 1000% increase. But at the income I was on it only represented a 150% increase. Of course I was impressed and very thankful but certainly some food for thought I think


This conversation is connected to a THOUGHT that entered yesterday which after writing the issue down, I immediately went to an e mail and opened a connection regarding this same THOUGHT line…immediately spending time with it and at the ending of that period of study… my phone then rang and an individual immediately connected with this THOUGHT subject in the conversation…now here I find this connection continued here in this forum today …so I do not know which spirit being is connecting me to this…but it is really interesting to see how this is all connecting to me…and to all of you which show an interest in this subject.

My original concept started with… all at once it was like I was seeing an overview with how a thought from the astral or mental world connects with our thought in the physical world…there is a place in our mind that is like a traslator box…and I believe it is some place near the spine and skull that connects there in that area…to make it simple…how does the exchange take place when we send a message of command into the astral…and how does that same process come back to us where by we understand it…that spirit speaks the language of our mother tongue no matter what, whether Russian, French, English, Chinese…and going back and forth the recognition is there…at some point there is a means of translation to cross the invisible barrier between the physical and the astral/mental.

I feel there is some connection to this discussion based on that exchange in understanding or communication between the spirit world and the physical world…and when one learns to understand how it works, then a part of enlightenment begins to work…but until that blockage is removed we are not hearing how to receive the directions…wealth or healing or revelations are not coming to the uninformed or unenlightened until we develop or learn how to receive and send properly…

this conversation appears to be in the beginning stage of finding the answer for all of us that take it seriously…I think wealth is not the central goal…but very much needed in being able to live properly in this world today…but it is a means of getting our attention and when we learn to operate it, we will learn how to communicate all the other issues involved in sending and receiving. Maybe all the spirits are there to help us learn and aid us in this process…???



I’ve been in this same line of thought for quite some time now maxx. It’s good to hear someone else speak up about it. My idea is a bit different though in that the only real veil between this world and the others is the human brain as a whole. It is a tool that filters all things not directly related to the physical plane and when we see into these other worlds or travel to them we are bypassing that filter and seeing things as they truly are.

The issue that I see a lot of people getting into is that they’re looking for the one right ritual or spell that will bring them this type of success. In reality, you could use a candle magick spell just as easily as a ritual of blood sacrifice for the end result, and your outcome will be a simple reflection of your input. In other words: it’s not the ritual, it’s you!

That being said, evocation is by far the most potent magick out there, both because of the input required (thus magnifying the outcome), and because of the fact that you’re making contact with extraordinarily powerful and intelligent forces, and putting them to work for you.

Now, keep in mind that the fact that you’re really really wanting this success is going to hinder you from attaining it. What I’d suggest is altering your approach. Don’t focus on the monetary success you’ll have with your business, but instead on the raw success of the business itself.

As an example: when I write a book, make a video program, conduct a workshop, or even engage in a personal consultation, I’m never thinking, “how can I make a LOT of money at this?” Instead, my attention goes towards creating a mindblowing experience for those whom I am serving. I measure my success by the quality of change i can create in those that I help. A side-effect of this is that I do tend to make a decent living off of it. BUT, I have seen time and again that as soon as my attention moves away from the client and onto myself, as soon as I start thinking about the rewards I’ll reap, those rewards dry up.

You need to lock in the true purpose behind your actions, discover the Dharma in them, and focus single-mindedly on that purpose, and the rest will indeed fall into place.


[quote=“Maxx, post:11, topic:149”]…there is a place in our mind that is like a traslator box…and I believe it is some place near the spine and skull that connects there in that area…

but until that blockage is removed we are not hearing how to receive the directions…wealth or healing or revelations are not coming to the uninformed or unenlightened until we develop or learn how to receive and send properly…[/quote]

I wonder if the dislocation of the atlas which is seen in a huge amount of people has anything to do with this? There is a theory that this is a ‘genetically engineered defect by the Annunaki’ to keep humans from being able to exploit their full potential. I’ve had the correction done last year and I can assure you, it was a life altering experience for me. An immediate high from more oxygen in the brain and the day after I relived/energetically restored every bone related injury I’ve ever endured in my life. Both my mental and physical health have been ‘cleaning up’ ever since.

Video: The AtlasPROfilax method (English version, March 2012)

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I had never heard of this…strange…but I was a running fullback in high school and college and all I did was run over people and run into them head first…lol…feel like a goofy boxer…ha.
I started reading about this treatment and since I read this entire thread, I would be very careful about having this treatment after reading almost the last ex doctor’s comments…Maxx…but I am happy to hear you feel better.


@EA… Your comment above,

“Now, keep in mind that the fact that you’re really really wanting this success is going to hinder you from attaining it. What I’d suggest is altering your approach. Don’t focus on the monetary success you’ll have with your business, but instead on the raw success of the business itself”

Thanks for this little fine tune…It can be ever so slight and something will just click and one can see how such small things can make a big difference…I know we all will make that minor little adjustment…

BTW…did you receive my e mail note regarding Friends with Benefits…?


Yeah, I did, Max. I’m not concerned at all, but I appreciate your consideration!

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[quote=“Maxx, post:15, topic:149”]@Kyra,
I had never heard of this…strange…but I was a running fullback in high school and college and all I did was run over people and run into them head first…lol…feel like a goofy boxer…ha.
I started reading about this treatment and since I read this entire thread, I would be very careful about having this treatment after reading almost the last ex doctor’s comments…Maxx…but I am happy to hear you feel better.


Maxx, I appreciate your thoughtful post, but all I have to say to those chiropractors is: FUCK YOU! The ONLY thing they’re afraid of is losing patients, because after this treatment they’ll be seeing a whole lot less of 'em. I’ve yet to come accross one dissatisfied patient, except for two accounts I read about where a second correction was needed.

Both my kids and husband have also had the the procedure done and I am NOT one to take risks with my kids. If you would like a full account of my experience, feel free to PM me. I’m going to try to keep it out of this thread as it has well, nothing to do with the original post. LOL

Golly, just a little advice…I think you can use more emotion in your life…lol.

I am glad you find it has made an improvement in everyone. Matter of fact, in the past I had a chiropractic table in my living room and all kinds of people would come by for me to adjust…I never had a license and I never charged anyway…so I have had some interesting conversation with various doctors over the years…most were not worth even being friends with…but that is another story…ha…I will look farther into this but what got my interest in the first place with your message was many years ago, I had one doctor say he was only beginning to deal with the atlas and from there all other problems would come into line…Too many years ago to recall but that always stood out in my memory.
Interesting to me.


Sorry Uncle Fester, the ‘official medical establishment’ can get my knickers in an uproar. It’s something I need to work on. I’ve experienced so many atrocities ‘thanks to’ mainstream medical science that I really have to brace myself to remain objective when dealing with them. On the other side, without the experience of those painful ordeals I would never have started to explore alternative medicine, energy work and Magick as fast as I have now. So it’s kind of a double-edged sword.