This has probably been said before but I want to share it anyway
Today I went for a jog and freed my mind. At some point I thought about my scoliosis, how it´s bugging me, how I´ve been to the orthopedist and how it´s hopefully gonna improve once I get chiropractic help.
At the same time I thought some demonic help would be necessary, afterall I do feel a lot of pain constantly and at this point I´ve received a lot of help from the demons in general so it makes sense to seek out their aid more often.
While still jogging I called out to Leviathan as I somehow feel like he´s the one who´s going to help me with this. I believe he is skilled in energetic healing but tbh I don´t really know anything about it, it just sounds cool. Anyway…I called out to him and we talked a bit. I had actually seen him in a vision while on LSD and later on drew a picture of him as I saw him during that trip.
I think my picture ended up pretty accurate but only considering my skill level (read: I cant draw for shit). So I was unhappy with it. We talked a bit about it and I came to the conclusion that I felt compelled to get better at drawing but at the same time feel like I have a way better skill at writing. So I came to the conclusion that unless I want to improve my drawing skills I shouldn´t do it, not out of compulsion.
It might sound trivial when looking at it objectively, but subjectively I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. And remember, we were talking because I´m suffering from a curved spine. Might help to alleviate the pressure on it by removing some weight, eh?
(Small disclaimer at this point: I don´t believe you should only do ethereal stuff to try and heal your ailments. I will of course still go through with the chiropractic thing and I will continue to go jogging.)
Now, the tip I wanted to share is this:
If you want to augment your magick, it might be a good idea to already get started on whatever it is you want help with before actually calling for the help. I didn´t do it on purpose, but after the talk with mister L. I realized that this is exactly what had happened: I already made steps in the real world to improve. I picked up sports again and I went to a doctor already to get a check up. Only then did I call on Leviathan for additional help.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk and stay healthy!