A sigil I got from Loki

Ok! So an update after I wrote a love letter to Loki and asked him for help with my troubles and such in return for some love :joy::sweat_smile:
I began to meditate after my last post and after thoughts of a sigil came up. A voice in my head told me to close my eyes and hum a song (I guess it’s because I become easily distracted and I have to clear out any other nagging thoughts) and so I did. But I peeked before the sigil was done! It was like my pen was moving on its own.

What do you guys think of what it looks like? Honestly I don’t know what it looks like or any hidden symbols it might contain. Let me know!


You should open the sigil,anointed with yor blood,and simply state: Loki I need your guidance to understand how can I use this sigil,what is the purpose? Thank you! Something like that…than meditate and write your notes in your book of shadows.If you don’t get the clear answer don’t be disappointed,try again.I have a similar situation,I got the sigil from Lucifer during my trance state and I drew it,still I don’t have a clear answer.You cannot expect that spirits acting always like humans,just be patient.