A short comic I made is blowing my mind

I made this in the beginning of 2016 and had no idea about the void or the abyss in a spiritual sense… so this is both scaring me and making me laugh at the same time, please share your thoughts on this or ideas.


Just had a dream about falling into the abyss

… leviathan came as a black dragon with yellow eyes and saved me :heart:


Leviathan is excellent


Oh no.
Her hair started being a blue color.

The transformation has begun…

It was blue.
Now it washes itself out…
False Alarm than.


That aside…

Well do you have a more open or more than usual capabilitys to Pickup subtle or subcouncess Stuff and to bring that to the aware councessnes?

Mediumship maybe?

Do you thought about that?


Yes there are alot of mediums and my grandma can dream deaths that will happen… everybody can open their psychic sense but some have more available “gifts” available to them… I would say I am more sensitive than the “normal” person

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The void and the abyss are not the same thing


I will research the difference, thank you for letting me know.


So I fell into a void of complete blackness and was endlessly falling so I would say the void and “outer darkness” are the same.
Sorry for the ignorance people.

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The Abyss is the depths the abyss is the empty blackness of space the void is a void. Although the abyss is void of things in a sense it is not The Void. Because the abyss is still something. An empty something but something none the less. The void is the absence of anything. Eternal nothingness. Chaos is of the void because it is the absence of order. I hope that helps clarify things for you. I noticed somebody posted that they are different things but kind of left you hanging with no explanations whatsoever.


Thank you for explaining… now I have no idea which I was falling through the void or the abyss…hahaha

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If you had the sensation of falling then it was the abyss in the void there is no gravity or more or less no perception of it. As the void … is void of direction there is no up or down left or right or even centralized locality. It is a non locality and there is no time either so you wouldn’t experience a passage of duration.

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Thank you! :heart:

It interesting how this work works isn’t it? I’ve had things like this happen, where I was like whoa how is that possible.

I drew a picture of azazel when I was about 15- all I knew was god and angels and the Christian life at that age so I’ve found it a strange coincidence ever since this became my life.


I love these “coincidences”

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