A problem with evocation

Hey, I’ve worked with a few angels and demons before but not to a an ongoing extent. Today I tried evoking archangel Raphael so he could heal somebody. For some reason I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and I’d like to but I just can’t get into a very deep state of gnosis for this and I can’t perceive any sign from Raphael. What I’ve been doing is I have an altar with a marked manifestation triangle with his sigil placed in the center and a circle where I stand or sit. I gaze at the sigil and vibrate his name attempting to bring about some form of gnosis and get into contact with him. But I’m not able to get anything from it. Does anyone have a similar issue with gnosis and senses? I know I must be doing something wrong but I’d like to know what it is.


How long did you gazed prior to the chanting? and how deep did you go into the gazing? (TGS)


Yep I guessed exactly the same thing you’re going to quickly and not building a deep enough state of trance. Slow it down my friend.


Usually I’m able to gaze pretty deeply. It’s a similar focus to when I look at auras. And while doing this, I’ll do the chanting. Should I do one of these before the other?

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Gaze and chant together until the seal opens then make your move.


Yea, I’ve been trying that. So i guess it’s just focus and taking it slower?

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Yes just slow it down some. Here’s an analogy. Two cars side by side going down the highway. If you want to roll down your window and talk to the other driver through the window you need to match the speed they are going until both cars line up exactly right. Then you’ve got a clear line of communication.


That’s a good way to think about it. I’ll keep this in mind then when I practice more. Thank you that’s really helpful

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There are levels to the gazing (TGS) the more frequent you do it the deeper to go, same goes for the longer you do it in the acual session.
Do you work with energy? If you work with energy you would be able to ¨feel¨ when you made contact.

I do work with energy somewhat. I’ve done basic psionic work before and I’m able to feel the energy within my body in pretty good detail as well as how it moves and changes. While trying to be aware of that while gazing and chanting hasn’t been helping since I might not be good enough in that and I barely was able to make contact if I even did. The most I’ve gotten from Raph was a very faint golden orb and some horizontal rays.

This will help you, at the bottom is the update version.

Oh wow that’s really good to know, thanks

All of you are right. I guess I’m just too used to the direct method of internal energy work and material work which is my main form of magic I practice. But I was able to focus on the ritual this time. Thank you for your advice and recourses it’s greatly appreciated! :+1:

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