A Praise to Asmodai and other spirits, and for those in relationships, some advice

It’s been quite a journey, and before I delve into the success I’ve had, I’d like to reveal some self-reflection that the spirits I have invoked gave me and general research into relationships. This is from the perspective of a cisgender male, in a straight relationship. The problem I have had is sexual frequency with a partner. This varies for everyone, but for me I wanted to have sex at least once a week. I was having it every other month, and once a month if lucky, for about a year. We are now at least 3 times a week, and it is only increasing. This is what I have learned.

Moving on to the advice first. This is based on research and scientific articles, as well as overall personal experience in the mundane.

  1. The number one issue I found is that, the longer you are in a relationship, the greater the need to feel secure, especially for the woman. This is even more true for those who have been greatly hurt in the past, and need additional emotional support. The simple psychological affect is that the more attached you are, the greater the fear of losing that person becomes. That is partly why when we have a brand new partner, the sex is great because there is little to no attachment, and the honeymoon phase is so invigorating. For carnal lust to thrive, you need to have a strong emotional base where both partners feel secure. For the men reading this, you must understand your inner self. When the woman says something, or does something, never, never show insecurity. A woman will need a strong man, or high value man, to never be sensitive to a woman’s emotional expression, or attempt to restrict what she says or does. If you find yourself insecure, do your best to correct it and self reflect the source, and understand how to fix it asap. Never blame the woman. Above all, listen to what she says, instead of getting defensive. If you find yourself getting emotional, take a deep breath and always ask only these types of questions.

What do you need right now from me? What do you need me to do?

9/10 times she is not just ranting and simply wants something to happen. Listen, correct it, and she will feel secure and appreciated. Obviously if she is just ranting, listen and try to emotionally connect. Women are very open with emotions. Notice how important social life is to women compared to men. Encourage that, and never be jealous of her wanting friends to talk to. Mostly, she will be ranting and you will not have to listen to it as much. It is known to actually improve the health of a woman.

  1. Be a better lover. Do your best to avoid porn. What porn does is create expectations about sex, and that women like it rough and dominating. We all know it is acting, and women don’t actually enjoy being fucked like a jackhammer or squirt everywhere. You get the picture. The vast majority of women do not orgasm from penetration alone. More on that later.
    If you want to have as much sex as you want, you need to understand the ways women get aroused. This varies for all women, some like to be kissed, some like to be touched in certain areas. Before you even begin to seduce her, make sure you are smelling your best, from your entire body. I found women are very sensitive to smells, and you yourself will also feel more confident in your sexual advances. Learn what specific scents she likes best. Long story short, never, never skip foreplay, and I don’t mean just getting your dick sucked or immediately trying to finger her. Real foreplay is extending the touching and caressing, the talking even. Women like to be led gently, and to feel that they are somewhat in control of the situation. Be attentive at all times, and make sure the moment is appropriate, and never push her into having sex. This can be understood through her body reactions, or what she says. IF you push even once, I promise you there will be consequences even if you do end up banging. Only when you feel she is really getting turned on from the initial foreplay, then go into touching her clit. Learn extremely well how to manipulate that thing, it is your most important tool. Know it better than jerking your own dick, and you are guaranteed to get a lot more sex than you have been having. If she likes being eaten out, do it, and do it well, and try to emulate the way she likes it with your hand and using pressure from your lips and tongue. During sex, continue to try your best to touch her clit, and work your way up from slow to fast frequency. Do your best to make SURE she COMES FIRST. Every. Single. Time. Men want sex all the time since we are guaranteed to cum. Women are not, unless they are solo play. It is your duty, your quintessential goal, to make her come not from penetrative sex alone, but from careful manipulation of that small button with your dick inside. She will start to associate the two, and more than likely you will be the first to do so, and she will want more because of it.

  2. Lastly, try to get rid of as much mysogyny within you. Wilde once said, “women are not meant to be understood, only loved.” There is no strategy to dating women, just simple concepts. Domination is not the answer, or seeking perfect submissive virgin catering to your every need. That’s not how the world today works, and I’m sorry your pathetic Christian religion has poisoned your mind with such ideals. Women are constantly bombarded and confused with how to look and behave inside and out the bedroom. She will appreciate greatly if you do not push these societal expectations, or standards onto her, and make her feel good about being her true self. To have success with women is be confident, and emotionally secure, and to be a decent human being. And most of all, an attentive lover and listener both inside and outside the bedroom.

Alright now that is out of the way, onto the spiritual. I have worked with Sitri, Beleth, Gaap, Dantalion, and Sallos. Of those spirits, the ones that worked most quickly for me was Gaap and Dantalion. Gaap specifically will make those who look into your eyes lust for you. I can attest that this works. For this, I praise this entities power.
Unfortunately Sitri Beleth and Sallos seemed to have limited results for quite some time, and I would say are null for actual manifestation of my partner increasing her lust. However during this time, I did start to reflect on myself and improve my overall hygiene even more so, and focus on improving my own health and fashion sense.

For these lessons, I would like to publicly praise Sitri, Beleth, and Sallos.

I would like to shout out to Dantalion. Highly recommended if past issues and emotions are blocking the relationship. Go to this entity for help in this regard for clearing emotional blockages, and subconscious fears that don’t seem to go away. This is important for all relationships, and especially if problems persist in a long term relationship. The entity works fast.

Another entity that will help with confidence and self respect, is Cimeries. Very interesting entity, and will help with keeping your cool in a lot of situations, and commanding respect from those around you.

Lastly, king Asmodai. The first time I invoked the king, I actually laughed out loud. I heard the demon, a roaring laugh, and felt an overwhelming sense I was with a powerful king. The sense I got was that this laughter is in the face of danger, or problems, and that as a king, nothing can be taken seriously to the sense that you may deem it unreachable or unfixable. This feeling has persisted with me to feel myself as a king, a lord over my own universe. This was the last time I used the 1st method in Damon Brands gallery of magick, a method I used with the other demons mentioned above. I decided after my petition, to try again the next day, using the second method of more connective evocation. I gave a more vivid and thorough emotional release of the actual result I wanted, as well as offerings IF the result manifested the WAY I wanted. This was the most thorough ritual I have done, in the sense that I completely visualize and continually feel the result as if it has happened. For this I would like to disclaim, that perhaps this is why I had so much success in the following week, in a much faster way than any other entity due to the intense visualization of the result and the temptation of my offering. Although perhaps, it could be that King Asmodai is known as the lord of lust, and he simply delivers.

Hail King Asmodai! May those reading this get the sexual fulfillment they deserve. :slight_smile:


Favorited omg

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One thing I would like to add to this is that at the end of the day pleasure is the goal but necessarily orgasm. If you can’t give her pleasure then nothing will ever happen. Be optimistic about orgasm but the most important thing is to create a space where she feels comfortable enough to let herself feel good. Then you can work on orgasm. From my understanding sex is much more about love, emotion, and psychology rather than the physical.

That said all of this is great advice with that base mastered.


I agree, I suppose I was thinking in terms of pleasure=orgasm. But the point should be pleasure, and of course being comfortable.

Thank you for the feedback. :slight_smile:


No problem :blush:. Glad to see someone talk about this stuff it’s great!

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Quite literally the best advice for men that are straight like everrrrrr. I hope people actually take this because some of the advice and things I’ve seen by men that date woman here on this sight is quiet literally rude and disgusting towards woman. This is sooo deep and wonderful!!! You’re great and the woman who ends up with you will be super lucky!!! You deserve the bestest and I hope you get that.


Yeah it seriously lines up with everything I’ve learned so I was super happy to see it myself lol. Its really calming to see some actual good and realistic advice



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Thank you for sharing ! May I ask, did you summoned angels as instructed by the author ?

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Sorry for late reply, and yes, everything was done as instructed by the author.

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What can he help with besides sex? Im not currently interested in sex or a relationship.

He’s very versatile. I found that if you have a lack of progress towards a goal and have rage over not getting the result, or lust for the result, he can help you overcome the attachment which may be causing a blockage in achieving said goal. In other words, he can help you with any personal goal for self-improvement and executing it with an un-impeded will. Personal goal being mental, physical, or emotional.