A Poem for the Lord - Sitri

Ohh Lord Sitri, hear my plea,
With humble heart, I call to thee.
From skies above, gaze down and see,
The love and fire locked in me.

My soul is torn, my passion chained,
My heart suppressed, my strength restrained.
Yet in this world so bright, so fair,
Do I not deserve love’s tender care?

Oh, Prince of Lust, with power untamed,
Bless me with passion, fierce and unchained.
Let oceans of longing rise and swell,
And drown me deep in love’s own spell.

Transform my form, my soul, my sight,
Let me shine with burning light.
Let women gaze and find in me,
A spark of you—wild and free.

Grant me the strength of horses nine,
To make hearts race and souls entwine.
Let ecstasy flow, let fire ignite,
Let love take flight in endless night.

Awaken in me the tantric fire,
Unleash the truth, destroy the liar.
Break my chains, let spirit soar,
Transform me now, forevermore.


very pretty writing … i’m sure he’d love it

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