A path to call my own

I was a little concerned about the name, but I met a demon named Beans, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

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You got some great advice here so that’s cool, PLEASE no more topics on this, it makes it easier for people who are interested in your experience to follow if they’re all in one place, remember not everyone is physically safe to be able to join, if their culture of their home country or their family’s beliefs are opposed to magick.

Reply with the title you want for this topic and either I or the next Regular member to see it and have time, will edit it for you. :+1:


Cards will show you what you already know, or should know. Your mental state, situation etc.


Hmm. May I add something. People usually cling to false personas and personalities as well as titles, just to make themselves feel special and or worth it, due to the fact they themselves have extremely low self esteem about who they already are, and or they are just spoon feeding their ego bullshit.

But yeah, around here you gotta have thick skin. There’s tons of critism your going to receive while being in this community for whatever you do. It’s up to you wether you let the critism harm you or teach you something.

But yeah, best of luck to ya


“Haters” “trolls” or rather insecure individuals who want to thought of as cool are everywhere so ignore them. I can’t claim to be anything in life other than what I am and that’s a pretty average person with a less than desirable life in many ways. Nothing special about me and if I was anything if anything before this life it would be something akin to this picture:

It was a shape similar to that pulsed a bit but floating in an amber hue area with like asteroids and stuff. Just a rock or sorts and it might be microscopic or nonexistent. At times there is a feeling in the back of my head or in my head (a sensation of sorts) that reminds me of this. Its barely a memory or image and I can’t recall any significance tbh. Its always been there. Doesn’t talk, nothing. Hard to describe. Not important in a grand cosmic scheme or to anyone other than me. Pity I can’t find an exact picture from my mind (fading as it is from the original as time has weathered that memory).

Be you be you. You’re young, so enjoy the trip and be open to learning while your mind is fertile to the new. As you get old, in my experience, you can harden yourself to new things and get stuck in ruts and not change. Changing then is like getting stuck or partially frozen and ripping off the old scabby layer. It hurts a hell of a lot more than soft moist pliable minds.


I wanted to rename this “A path to call my own.”

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the use of spiritual tools such as cards are only limited/defined by those who utilize them. their usage can go beyond mental states and situations, though pulling from the subconscious or mental state is one of their qualities ( and to those who dont believe in the spirit world, perhaps the only one), as is spellwork and acting as a channel for spirits and the spirit of the one receiving a reading. thats all ill say on the matter since i dont want to further derail the thread.

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you have a vibrant creative mind i have no doubt you can concoct brilliant and engaging stories!

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Thank you. I’ll be sure of it. :blush:

You are absolutely correct, as a reader I was trying to keep things simple. Thanks for the input. :slight_smile:

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No one can tell you who you are. Be still, be silent, apologize less. Today you are Lucifers daughter, but in 5 years a lot can change. Including what you identify with, and you’re understanding of the cosmos. Take this from someone who isn’t far out of their teenage years.

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Usually as someone develops and finds lives that may have impacted their soul more their claims may change as the soul changes and grows with those impacted memories. However, the life they started with could also have been a strong impact on them and what changes is their understanding of their place within their paradigm and their abilities.

I started when I was 8 and now 25, I personally had to find my latest past life and backtrack from there so my views and ideas changed as I reached the center of my being and even recently made more discovers to who I am and had to sacrifice some things for it to reveal itself.


@anon34967090 Actions speak louder than words, the dark nights or our soul tend tead to us a bright and shiney RIZE! :slight_smile:

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@DezRa :blush:

@anon34967090 I go thru cycles of depression and suicidal inclinations very often, so I know where you’re coming from. When I was in my teens, twenties, and even early to mid thirties I was a fairly popular guy because I’ve played in bands that toured and people actually paid to see, I was a drug dealer with high quality products,money, and status, and I was the “party guy”. And I’m a friendly guy and girls always considered me attractive, so getting girls was not a problem, I was a pussy slayer ( and did a lot of girls wrong ). I’m not bragging or anything like that. My whole point is that, even with all of that going for me, I’ve never been a truly happy person and felt like I wasn’t meant to be happy.

Black magick and the occult probably have kept me from taking one of my many guns and painting the wall with my brains. You need to get over the obvious low self esteem thing, You are just as good as anyone and whatever the issue, you’re worth it and you are a very special person., You seem to have a good heart but just don’t know how to comport yourself publicly at times. You said you’re a teen. Your teens are both a great blast and a time of confusion. All the raging hormones and teen age confusion, not really knowing what you want and need to do make teens very prone to weird behavior/actions/thoughts/opinions/whatever you think you’re into. Shit, I was fucking bat shit crazy in my teens and twenties.I’ve been thru much, things most people will never experience if they live to be 100. You name it, chances are I’ve been there and have the scars to prove it. So, if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here for you and I’m honest and sincere. I am who I am, like it or lump it, but I will always be here to talk to and help you and every BALG member or anyone really (occultist or whatever). I totally get it, so don’t hesitate to contact me if you think I can help, give some good advice, or need to vent. I’ve been there and I understand. All the best ~ Cthulhu


@cthuhu669_necronomic Thank you so much. So I can’t have the option to send direct messages to people on here but I would like one from you so I can talk to you if I have any questions if that’s okay with you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sure, not a problem. I’m far from being some master occultist or anything. I have researched and studied much for many years but practiced little. There are people on here that are way more experienced and magickally developed than I, but I’m always willing to help the best I can. Strangely, it seems that hexes ( baneful magick ) land with precision and flip people’s lives upside down ( I have cast 3 and saw the first two act quickly and very effectively, I’m not in the same state as the most recent one so I haven’t seen the results but I seem to be good at them and it’s very insidious. It may even build you up at first so you have further to fall. I don’t care if he and his son die, that’s collateral damage so fuck them. I need him to suffer). Anyway, I’m here for you in any way I can help, and I will reply post haste. Regards ~ Cthulhu


Amen to that, brother!