A Pact with Beelzebub

With the Universal Circle and the Silver Amulet Of Beelzebub, I entered into a pact with Beelzebub. I gave up my favorite thing to do, which is smoking cigarettes. I asked for money, success, fame, and glamour. I felt the energy around me change almost instantly. I signed a physical copy of the deal, and through automatic writing, Beelzebub signed the deal as well.

I hope to become famous for my hairdressing and for my artistic pursuits, but am open to fame for anything. The deal is that I quit smoking cigarettes starting tomorrow.

I previously entered a pact with Lucifuge-Rofocale to be a successful hairdresser in exchange for 7 years of my life, but the deal did not manifest.

Have you ever made a deal with a spirit, or attempted to? How did things turn out for you?

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You’re in a place where MOST people have made deals with spirits. It’s usually the same kinda sh!t with people who are attracted to the LHP. Money, b!tches, powah, revenge, etc. Some will play it off like they only want “Knaw-ledge & wisdom”. But in truth, everybody wants something, and it’s usually typical things people want anyway aside from magick.

I wanted money. Not even really women, fame, or anything. Just freedom through money because in my mind, money is the doorway into getting almost everything else a person could want. I made 3 pacts, all of which are over now. Certain spirits I originally thought to be welcoming turned out to be rather disruptive in life.

No it’s not for change, they just provoked behavior out of people to feed on it. But LHP people are so convinced these ruling infenals dont vampirize you. News flash, they do, just in different ways. LHP people don’t work through “mutual respect, or self-empowerment”. They appease Infernal rulers for blessings, and those blessings can be taken away real quick if you upset those spirits.

I found more honesty and stability with Archangels. I made more progress with them than i ever did giving energy as payment to infernal spirits for workings.