A Little Warning & A Meditation

You know, i totally see some female looking at the screen all nervous and shit saying just that :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:



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I had a vision some asshole third party had fed you false information before you meet up with prospective collaborator, so in the hopes you turn on each other.

Let’s just say once the ‘mistake’ was cleared up, it was a beautiful start to a long and fruitful endeavors.

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Where are your shields, young one? Nobody can look if nobody can see.
In the world of LHP and BALG, it seems to be a given that nobody has respect for the personal or energetic boundaries of any other, so don’t rely on ethics from strangers. They don’t have any. Shield up or go home.


Frankly I don’t believe there are people with abilities to manipulate spirits. Yes. There are people who are able оccasionally to made spirits to do something but nothing more. But if we suppose this is possible why they will choose you?

Some people haven’t figured out that you can’t bullshit Legba or most other spirits. But it sure is funny when they try.


Maybe @Micah has things to learn from that the person feels they must have at all costs, even going through underhanded avenues.
If you don’t know his capabilities, then you might reserve your rancor.


Now it makes sense :thinking:

I’m not able to hone in on the exact person, (there’s many I know of) but when I do…oh boy :joy:



Whoever is coming after @Micah, should know that I and many others have already pledged to fight with his infernal army against you. You don’t know our fury!

Magicians spying on other magicians. How dishonorable as the Kilingons would say.

If you are a true wizard and have a beef with @Micah, then show yourself! Don’t hide like the coward troll you are.

Enough of my rant. I got your back, brother.

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Maybe THE ILLUMINATI are messing with Micah?

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@CyberLord thanks for your support

@Faustus bro
Should I have @Lady_Eva close the thread already or naw? :joy:

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What is the capital of Africa?


If you think it served its purpose i see no harm in closing it.

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Nigeria. Dont ask me why I came up with that answer, because I dont know.



Africa is a continent, not a country you SOB

@Lady_Eva pls close the thread :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::joy::joy:


I still think Nigeria sounds nice even if it doesnt make sense.

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Africa is a continent. There is no capital.

Also, that picture above. Please someone should delete it! Oh, Lucifer!

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I’mma come up with something to add to your grimoire too :ok_hand: @CyberLord

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It’s the asana in the above pic. Spoiler alert.

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Where did you find my nudes? This is me struggling to meditate. @Lolz

What if your gaze is enchanted? Someone is working aggressively to disarm me and now its difficult to meditate without activating one of my spells.