A good/benevolent skinwalker?

You really don’t get it? :woman_facepalming:

The only contradiction is in your head.

  1. I cursed her, because she broke my heart (early summer). She lost her arm - I left her alone with her beloved ones, as she turned away from me.

  2. The near relatives who loved her so much, started to abuse and harass us later (autumn) when it’s happened. And she got killed within 2 weeks after that argue with my relatives (in the same year, late autumn).

What causes Complexity?
I made her cripple in that year, and in the same year I killed her.

I’m finished with explaining this dark part of my life, for the only reason why you don’t understand is: if you don’t want. I’m pretty sure that you are an intelligent person, so you should.

Every time when I feel myself balanced and peaceful , for some reasons it’s change (sometimes after weeks, or months). Looks like that somewhere deep inside my anger didn’t get banished.
Anger? Not sure that this is the right word for that. I tried to find answer to this question, and analyze my situation, but this is not easy. I must be stable when I examine my situation, my behavior and inner changes when I harm others or I’m about to do it, and it is hard to find any “reason” behind my activities and urges.

Perhaps certain things make me easily “angry” or change my mood and motivations, which I don’t know yet. Or I identify my emotions with others’, what infect me as well, and this might be the reason why I act in this way. But that’s not always the case, which means that I didn’t find the key yet.

However entities and spirits with similar motivations are always attracted me. Probably some of them have an effect on me.

Experiences what I heard about this ritual showed that this ritual can summon them seemingly “physically”, or manifest them in some way (+). After I had a better look at the ingredients needed, I can understand, why is this ritual so powerful and effective. But I’m sure that I don’t know everything about what’s going on exactly when you following the instructions, so still I have to try understand what’s going on really behind this ritual’s veil.

And yes, it is better try to keep away your beloved ones from this ritual, but even if you try this, they can be easily “chosen” by the Yee Naaldlooshii as a payment for his help or taken time.

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Eight years ago is not months ago. Anyone can deduce the timeline for themselves at this point.


Months later *…? :thinking:

Yeah, bad grammar. I’m spiritually drunk today to talk in english. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I agree with this actually. At one point I was learning different trances from Freyja and she actually told me the same thing.

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I feel the connection to it, but I am cautious about it. It is not a trance to be used willy nilly. I think people dont take the power to kill someone seriously enough. Its not a game or to be used for petty foolishness. If one manifests that towards others without care it will come back on them tenfold.

I dont mean to rant…just hate hearing people talking about killing for revenge or petty bullshit or whatnot when most of them couldnt even fathom a battlefield or fight on one without their false sense of power to comfort them.

I think Odin can see the wisdom in that.


No. You don’t get it. You don’t get that some people actually know more than you. And you don’t get that being sarcastic and condescending when knowledgeable people like @Faustus point out flaws in your story does not make it more believable. This happens in practically any case where someone disagrees with you, they get snarky and petulant retorts from you, but zero reasonable discussion, like for example that other trainwreck of a thread about skinwalkers, where you not only displayed cultural ignorance, but blatant disregard for any attempt to educate you from people who actually are in the know.

If you reserve the right to indicate that others are stupid because they ”don’t get it“, then others can reserve the right to call you out on your inconsistent or inaccurate statements. @Lady_Eva


You say that I am a liar because of my bad grammar and because he don’t get point because ONE damned word what now he used againts my part of life? Wow. The “big magickians”.

New level of jealeousy, like always. Let’s hope it’ll dig out my grandma’s dry corpse from her grave. I wasted already too much time on people who have a problem with me because of my successes.

Disrespect towards them? I got even an Elder’s trust. I’m pretty sure that I didn’t do anything with disrespect. It is in your imagination. Just because you act like a person who don’t even want to understand others, at least His head was clear.

Thanks again! Always a pleasure. I surely hope that this will help you to… Grow? Yeah. Well probably this is why we are here now.

I’m finished. Too much time wasted already.
Much blessing on you.

Nagash phone :calling: