A godform (not mine) for the whole forum?

If I attempted to create gpdform for the forum to use at their leisure, what traits would you like to see?

Edit: nevermind

This forum grew a mind of it’s own long ago. :wink:

His name is Balg and he’s not mentally sound.

I also identified what my co-workers call a “ghost” of my workplace, as an egregore. I named him Delsol. A lot of my co-workers are miserable, hate work, and hate eachother, and there’s a lot of backstabbing. They don’t realize that that is feeding the egregore negativity, and in turn, he is feeding them negativity. I have evoked it and done a LOT of strong manipulation of events and people.

^Sounds like my work place.

Unfortunately you misunderstood

I would create one for you to use at your leisure, not create a godform for the forum itself

Essentially a super egregore. Even though everything is an egregore. I picked up on such things while studying chaos magick.

However its for the members of this forum, for public usage
Thank you for the “new” information however

Ahh. Well, in that case, any trait that would be very helpful. The ability to give keywords for the search that would find useful results? I dunno.

Well, the best place to look is any decent dictionary. I’d give you the definition out of the copy of Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate that I keep on my desk, but it’s not a good dictionary—it doesn’t even have it in there. Essentially, “egregore” is an older english word that seems to be fading out of use. It refers to the “spirit of a thing”, usually referring to some organization humans create (clubs, states, fraternities, countires, etc.) that summates its principles, beliefs, and goals, and guides people in accomplishing them.

A good example of such an egregore is when someone say a project has “taken on a life of its own”.

That’s a traditional egregore. In chaos magick, it’s slightly different. I consider it as part of a fluid continuum describing the strength of an entity. You start out with dumb, unintelligent sigils—these just represent something, but don’t actually think. Charge a sigil long enough, and you’ll end up with a servitor, which is usually either completely stupid but capable of doing complexe tasks, all the way up to being able to think onits own and deduce things in its operation.

But when a servitor gets really big, what happens to it? The moment it becomes more than one person can handle, I consider it an egregore. At this point, it becomes capable of making some of its own demands, guiding its own work (though usually along the lines of the original goal of the people who created it) and in general “taking on a life of its own”.

Once you get bigger than this, you get a godform: something that has grown so strong that the people involved with it take up a subservient relationship, often worshiping it, or appealing to it for help. (My apologies to any gods not created in this fashion who may become offended by such a simple explanation for their existence.)

So you getSIGIL --> SERVITOR --> EGREGORE --> GODFORMOr at least, that how it works in my own little twisted version of reality. If it makes sense to yyou, use it, if not, scrap it and try something else. Remember, chaos magick is about whatever works for you, so you don’t need to adopt any of my own explanations or the baggage that comes with them unless you want to. Get a few other people’s opinions, do some reading, and formulate your own views.

Big Evil Corporations (or good ones, for that matter) can be considered a kind of egregore. Hmm… “Legal Entity”… Might be something there worth playing with.

Taken from chaos matrix .com

A real trait please…

I’d add a godform that knows what we want out of this forum and helps deliver it.

It would be for magickal purposes. Not to waste time on this site.