A god/goddess to help get a good job?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks, I had no idea that Freya and Skadi would be an option on this matter :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m not much used to work with angel, although Iā€™d like to try in some moment. But thanks :slight_smile:

Yeah, although historically heā€™s a god, I remember reading his story, its believed he used to be worshiped as god of crossroads, I forgot the details, but I guess approaching him as a god would work out as well.
Thanks for the suggestion either way.

Thatā€™s interesting, never heard of that, Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s my case though, but I appreciate the advice. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Is my own UPG, so most people have not heard about it.

Pro tip: you donā€™t need to answer each user individually, you can make one post and quote everyone, theyā€™ll get a notification anyway.


I would add that while he will come through for you be prepared that you are ready for the bounty he will give to you. I got a fantastic job offer through him but it was too far away and more the a little over my head responsibility wise but it was a great position.


Yeah, heā€™s all about expansion of your horizons.


Thatā€™s a understatement. He is a storm god after all and when he rain he really pours. Gotta make sure your cup is ready.

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Is quite interesting, something to keep in my mind.

Oh I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t thought on that before haha thanks for the tip, Iā€™ll do like that in the future. :slight_smile:

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Yes, the offering is nothing extraordinary and if they ask it, there is a good reason for it, so keep your eyes open, theyā€™ll communicate with you if they want you to do something. First time Hades outright refused when I asked.

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I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice. :slight_smile:

Got it. I still have difficulties though in know whether is my mind playing tricks on me or is really the entity asking their offering, in doubt I always give what they ask haha but Iā€™m learning how to listen and hear and see those things.

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Do you meditate? If not, start. Meditation will give you some basic discipline and will help you to silence your thoughts, allowing better focus. But, more importantly, it will help you to recognize all of your inner voices, that way youā€™ll notice alien thoughts.


Got it. Thatā€™s quite true. I used to meditate, but I was never able to master it, and I ended up stopping. Now is been a while I donā€™t. But I definitely need to go back to it. Thanks for the tips. :slightly_smiling_face:

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