A Female Demon Who Fancies Coin & Mercantile Exchange?

Interesting. I’ve always thought of them as mostly gender fluid and able to switch any time. Several magicians have described encountering them like that. One author even has a whole system based on female versions of the 72 spirits of the Goetia. :thinking:

I’ve even had spirits appear as geometric shapes.


And that’s why I call BS on many modern witch authors, because of their blatantly feminist biases or attempts at making everything into “Divine Feminine”, or sexually inclusive somehow. (or even inventing their own entities for the public to feed energy to) Spirits are conscious beings and don’t always simply bend to a humans desire to see them some way.

I mean, entities CAN appear however they want, if they simply want energy from you. But I’ve actually gotten a hard “NO” from a couple spirits, even with a repulsed feeling from them. (and been mockingly called gay) That’s how I came to this conclusion.

From my experience, there are entities who lack gender (or are even androgynous natured) and will accept both manners of treatment. But entities do also have a natural gender state and will strongly refuse otherwise.


When I evoke, i generally allow the spirit to appear however it wants, as long as they don’t try to be purposely repulsive or frightening. I usually ask them to “appear in a pleasing and comfortable form.”

Never tried a gender switch. Might be something to experiment with when I have time. I’ve got a long list of things to try though lol

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Well, early this morning when asleep, I think I got my answer. I asked Archangel Michael two days ago in my head to show me a female spirit who prizes coin, mercantile affairs, also divination. I drew demon cards which lead to Phenex, who showed me another spirit plain as day in a dream.

Michael always answers, it’s actually insane. I’ve met the dream spirit before too. But I just never considered working with that one for money.


That’s awesome, Glad you got an answer.

Is it a well known spirit, or one relatively unknown?