A feeling of being empty inside and lacking energy

Have you tried a
Back to sender spell?

If it is on your family but affecting you, one thing that could be done is to call upon your own ancestors to dispel it and deal with the sender.
Since they’re closest to home so to speak, they’d be efficient at helping.

I don’t know the problem, but somehow I’m affected by it, so I want to find out why, I’m looking for a way to find out, if I know exactly what’s going on, I can look for a solution.

No, the spell wasn’t cast on me specifically, I think I was just affected by it, will it still work?

It will
@Mulberry can you give him a link to a basic return to sender spell or maybe just a guide?

Ok, I pulled a card and I get Archon & Aion, (Quareia Deck).
The cards don’t agree with your friend @Blackrose00, that is this a spell on you from someone else, neither is it a parasite.

The Archon is the overseer who grants passage only to
souls seeking a return to the Holder of Light. The Aion is the
door-opener who lets through the flow of the Divine Spark as it
seeks to express itself in the inner and outer worlds.

And given you have a lack of energy, a gap, my feeling is the Aion aspect has been blocked for you.


Something is causing you to hit your limits, and you are not replacing your energy.

Magickal aspects:

If you try to push through these limits anyway you could cause something worse, so we need to remove the block.

In this case there’s no energy to send back. A spell like this, assuming the reading is correct - didn’t act directly on Blackrose but on Blackrose’s connection to the divine (or whetver you want to call that).

I would then work on that block. You have to find it to get a hold of it and then dissolve it.

To get hold of things that are unseen more easily, use sympathetic magick to represent them. In this case, try using an ice cube. You will be meditating and doing this magick while watching the cube melt.

Dissolve block working:

  1. Ground and cleanse, get into a comfy position, put meditation music on if you like
  2. Put an ice cube in a bowl, and contemplate that this cube represent your black, until it looks like it IS your block
  3. Notice any sensations, maybe at the crown of your head or higher, connecting the cube to that being where the block is
  4. Spend plenty of time noticing the block is gently and easily melting away, s evidenced by the cube - feel at the same time more energy start to trickle past it.
  5. Energy trickling past it helps it to melt
  6. Energy from the cosmos is now streaming past it into your being through the crown of your head, which may tingle a little
  7. When the ice block is all gone, wash your hands and come back to reality. If you feel sleepy after this, sleep as much as you need to.

Take breaks and repeat as needed until you intuitively feel the block is gone. If on the other hand you intuitively feel like this is bullshit, don’t do it, we can think of something else.


How is it usually blocked?


Something worse?

I get it, as I watch the ice I think it’s a block that’s holding me back, and as it melts I feel energy flowing through me.

And does it matter what time it is to do it?

I am looking for a way to find out who did this to whom by whom and why it affects me, there must be a solution and I need to know the solution

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With energy. Everything is energy of different qualities, frequencies and intensities. Intention is an energy.

That’s what I said, yes. Don’t try to imagine any, it’s not the time to start manifesting possibilities in the astral to sabotage yourself with. Control your thoughts at this time and stay positive. You are a mage, your thoughts have meaning.

No, not at all. Do it when you can.

For all you know it was you. You won’t look into the psychology - which is the exact tool to do this with the best - so you’re probably not going to find out.


I understand, thank you, but it has been like this for many years, is it normal to be like this for many years?
Shouldn’t it have fixed itself by now? Is there an energy that lasts this long?

I can try it at a comfortable time

I think there is a way to learn, but I need money and I think I can find a solution on my own until I collect this money, so I am researching.

my predictions are usually not correct or vice versa and I have lost my senses, could it be because of this event?

Yes if your connection to your higher self/divine/cosmos or whatever you call that is blocked, that would inhibit impressions gained those levels of reality.

How can I be so affected by a spell or something that was not specifically cast on me?

You are not an isolated thing, you exist in a complex environment and that environment, including the unseen aspects of it, affect you.

Lets say, someone did a spell to poison your food. The food is not you, the spell was not on you, but you eat that food and you’ll be affected by it if you eat it.

True, but I couldn’t understand when it started and how it became like this.

I don’t know either. That information may come to you in time, but it will likely require some shadow work (aka psychological introspection) to know yourself to this depth, and you don’t want to do that right now, so you will have to wait.

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around a year ago, I read someone’s advice on here to look for Shamanic healing.
I was undergoing a massive, dark, spiritual warfare.
I’m still healing to this day, but, seeing your post made me want to also pass down the advice to you.
I’d look into Shamanic healers who can recognize curses / spells. restore your energy, etc.

I do not think I’m allowed to share links here for practitioners? but you’ll find some :slight_smile:

Hope this helps.

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What sort of spiritual currents do you tend to align yourself with?

This usually has a simple explanation.

I don’t quite understand what you mean, can you give an example?

What spirits and energies do you like to work with?

@Blackrose00 You are the same Blackrose00 of the Wizard Forums, aren’t you? By the way, if Mulberry’s reading is correct, & in case you haven’t managed to clear the block yet, it’s time to call upon your demonic higher self. Just say clear it up. You will see your demonic higher self go like a cunning serpent and destroy the blocks. Majority people don’t know about it so it would probably be not blocked. Then cast circle of golden fires around your higher selves (Yes, as far as I know, you got a part of the soul in each layer of Heaven, which people call the Higher Self and nobody wards them, so they are easy to attack)

Then divine out with your Higher Self (Mind you might need to 1st check if your Higher Self is okay, if not then a bit of healing from Raphael or some other healing entity) who did this to you and jack his ass out