A favor

Can someone who is close to Lucifer help me contact him. You see I’ve been on this path for a good 2-3 weeks, but I still feel the urge to go back to my Christian roots. Anyways today I was watching some videos that made Lucifer seem like he is the villan and I was agreeing. I thought to myself “wow Lucifer is the villain and he has been lying to me the whole time”. I regretted it and now feel all the progress I’ve made with Lucifer if any, has been lost. I was wondering if someone could contact him, and ask him for me? Maybe he might pass a message along through one of y’all. It’s tough because I’m still one foot in and one foot out. I would ask him myself, but my senses are not very good. Please. It would help so much right now as I’m not feeling very confident and have many doubts. Thanks.


Lucifer would understand. You don’t loose the conditioning overnight. Look into information that shows how bloodthirsty and destructive Christianity has been. Look into how disempowering it is. And then, blaspheme the Bible, Jehovah, and the cross in ritual.


It is normal to feel conflicted when you are starting to wake up. It’s hard to walk away from things you’ve been told your entire life by people you trust. The thing is you have to learn. Study and see the truth. It is ultimately your choice what you decide but Lucifer has been nothing but patient, gentle and honest with me and I’ve been with him for years. You don’t have to make any major decisions immediately. Just give yourself time, stay open minded and seek knowledge. That will not be found in things that have an agenda or are pushing their own views such as Christian videos and teaching. Look elsewhere. Read about different religions and history. Lucifer will actually guide you and bring things to you. He only wants your eyes to be open to the truth and for you to have free will based on educated choices. Not blind enslavement.


It takes time. Keep going.


I doubt Lord Lucifer would be upset. At most, disappointed, maybe. But He is very, very patient and understanding. He wants us to wake up and see the truth. He wants us to walk with knowledge and wisdom, not blind faith (not even in Him). If you call Him, and He doesn’t respond, ask Him to show you how to keep on the path of awakening. In my experience, sometimes He’ll communicate, sometimes He won’t directly.

Also, when I first met Him, He regarded me with amusement, as if He was used to people approaching Him, but who would drift away. When I showed that my desire to be in touch with Him is sincere and genuine, He changed. He taught me a lot, and continues to do so.

Learn to take statements about Lucifer being the villain with detachment. You know what you know: don’t let unsubstantiated statements sway you.


Well, what would Jesus do?
One of my deepest secrets is that I’ve never lost touch with the entity that I welcomed into my heart as a child. The being that I know as Christ was the inspiration that turned me away from the church in the first place.

You know the story. Dismiss the attempts at spiritual dominance. Jesus of Nazareth came out of nowhere and introduced himself as God. The religion that he came from murdered him for blasphemy. A few hundred years later, the Imperial Cult of Rome claimed his name and set about murdering people for blasphemy.

Which type of Christian are you? There are so many interpretations of Christianity that you might as well make up your own version. Every church that exists today started out by leaving an older church.

Jesus says, “Know thyself.”
Apollo says, “Know thyself.”
Lucifer says, “Know thyself.”

Keep contemplating and meditating on the light. The light has always been there and no being owns it. Not even some jealous god.


To be honest… I’ve felt the same way, but just by plain reading the bible… Lucifer doesn’t sound like a villain to me. Just from Genesis first like 4 or 5 chapters.