A dream with Samael (not sure, however)

Hello, everybody, and thank you in advance for any input on my experience.

The other day, I had the most amazing dream of my life. I swear it felt sooo real, and I can’t stop thinking about it.

So, it was around 4-5am. I’m sleeping in my living room, with the balcony door open. At one point, I feel like someone is entering through the balcony door. Then, they come to me and stand at the end of the couch, where my feet are. Then, I feel like being lifted in the air, and it is so unbelievably real, I can sense it with all my body. Then, I’m on the couch again, and I feel like someone is lying next to me, holding me from behind, with their head on my left shoulder. At this point, I ask them who they are. I swear I could hear my voice. Then, they say something like Samuel or Samael, not sure. Again, I can hear myself asking them where they’re from. They tell me they’re from hell, and that there are thousands like them, where they come from. Then, they tell me something like that they’ll always be by my side. At this moment, I start waking up, but I hear myself asking them to stay a little bit longer. But, that was it.

Now, about the experience itself - not for a second did I feel scared or anything like that. On the contrary, I have never felt more peaceful in my life. It felt like I was in some kind of a warm jelly-like fluid, like in a womb. Again, that was the most amazing feeling. I did not want it to end, and I felt it with every cell of my body. Just total peace, warmth, calm…

I just can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve had vivid dreams before, but nothing like this. Also, I’ve had quite a few episodes of sleep paralysis, but I don’t think that that was the case. Yes, I could not move, but sleep paralysis has always been a terrifying experience to me, like, pure torture, with horrible, scary hallucinations. Not this! As I mentioned, I’ve never felt more at peace in my life.

However, the thing about being from hell is strange opposed to how I felt. Also, I’m not sure about the name. I thought it was Samuel at first, but then I found out about Samael. Or, could it be someone else altogether?

So, what could have this been, and who? Just looking for any kind of input, and thank you again!

My gut is just telling me that that was not just a dream…

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Sounds like a possible spirit contact, but I caution against taking dreams at face value: they tend to be messages from your subconscious, and as such highly personal and symbolic not literal.

For example this Samuel could be resurrecting an asoect of your own self. You have to ask yourself what all these elements mean to you. Hell doesn’t exist as a reality on its own, it’s an astral invention of humans and there’s tons of them, so, what is “hell” and what does that mean to you? Why does a beneficial entity come from a religious torture chamber for you? Are you caught up in JCI dogma so that’s what your subconscious used as the closest description? Etc etc.

It’s for you to say, I suggest meditating on it, imagine talking to Samuel again and ask him what he wants and why. Your subconscious can get you these answers if you sit with it and let it give you indication through your intuition.

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