A disastrous appeal to Lilith

Lilith Stridens noctua Lilith serpens venenatis Lilith , cattus formidabilis
The Mother of Nightmares
A bird of prey,
The horror
swirling in the night,
A hungry insatiable ghost
Come ( to the name ) In the name of Evil
The darkness is impenetrable
Come ( to the name ) , as the night is dark
The Inevitable Blackness
Come ( to the name ) In the name of death
By the power of the devil
Come to ( the name of the enemy )
With a punishing flame!
Come with the children of your black destroyer legions!
Come to his house is not mercy
Bring the Darkness.
To bring destruction.
Bring the horror.
Bring death.
To bring suffering
Bring it to cool down
To bring discord
For the joy of the children of darkness,
A ( name ) to suffering, destruction and oblivion!
So be it!
Ave Lilith
Ave Infernum

This proclamation can be used in any ritual of destructive magic to enhance it with the energy of Dark Matter.