9:11 - 11:11

Does somebody know anything about this :

When I see the time on the cell phone I always see these numbers 9:11 or 11:11, I also have the computers, tablet, TV. This number means, someone knows something or has paranoid.

Does this happen to anyone else.



This is called synchronicity, supposely either your higher self or other beings trying to tell you something, showing in patterns. I seen these numbers synchronisticly as well as others


WTF, as I read your post I saw 11:11. Yeah, it happens a lot to me to be hunted by 11:11 or 3:33


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Eh, it turned to 11;12 as I took the picture.

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11:11 almost always appear to me after making contact with an entity or sometimes just after meditating or performing LBRP

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Ive had the number thing for about a year. Now I just shout it out when I see it like its a game. I just take it to mean i’m on the right path. :woman_shrugging: The more I work on my ascent the more weird synchronistic things happen. It’s daily weird shit now.


It’s one of the hermetic principles, it’s called law of synchronicity, if you started seeing 11or 22or 33 or any same number in repeatedly, it means that our subconscious mind doesn’t know any languages and so as the universe. both communicate through numbers and symbols.
When you see 11 11 means that “your mind has opened portal for spiritual ascension”


Everyone knows what 1111 is.

As for 911, I think that might have to do with Archangel Michael.


How does the 911 correspond to archangel Michael?

A few people can communicate with the divine (Deities, Angels, Daemons) via telepathy. So they have to find other ways to communicate with us via synchronisation. 911 is a typical lightworker activation number. People who bring light on this world will sync with it. See it as compassion or working with others.

For the people that don’t know 1111 means pay attention on your current thaughts. Start manifesting your thaughts



9;11- Awaken to your function and purpose. Keywords: Awakening, initiation, new doorways, etc.

What I’m picking up on: you’re going to awaken to your path and true self as well as what you’re here to do. This is a call to action and to pay attention to the signs around you and to your intuition. They’ll help guide you along the journey.

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1111 can help in your magick to. If you see it, do a wish in what you want to achieve. It will manifest. Only not always they way you think.

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I read somewhere it was his number.

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