55th Goetia Demon - Orobas can form your body and not that only!

Brief information.
As everyone knows, magicians do not describe all of the qualities and abilities of Demons and other spirits in the ancient grimoires. This also applies to Goetia Demons.

For example, there is documented and proven fact (of magician from Ukraine) that 55th Goetia Spirit - Orobas - can form shape of your body as you like. It can also change the DNA or to update DNA, if he will like you.

In addition to his capabilities, which stated by Solomon regarding Orobas, he also creates new diseases and experiments them on the magicians- beginners who are not sufficiently developed to work with the Demons.


Do you have anymore information regarding that? Belial also likewise can do all those things and more. Just curious as to the Informational Associations of saod demon that leads to such things being done. Because behind every demons energetic act is a certain collective stream of information that shows how it was able to achieve that. Not to mention demons have different specialties so it could also be related to their specialty.


Sure, Belial can do all those things and more. Belial is higher level demon.

This my post is aimed to worry magicians. And the magician who discovered hidden abilities of Orobas did it with same goal. Therefore, he told me his story but insisted no to reveal it.

At the same time, it is short information that this demon can do it.
That migician did operation with Orobas by request of a client. The result was successful.

As a sample, I didn’t work with demons so far, so as I know about demons quite a lot, but I count myself not sufficient development to start evoke them and I wrote it honestly in my intro for this forum.

In other words, I just added one more Spirit who can transform your body, but it is on personal magicians’ responsibility.


Wait, did you see the literal documents and proof of orobas transforming dna or did he just say it exists?

I saw paper discribing possibility of Orobas to change DNA but no proof about it . So, I just added that Orobas can change or recover DNA. I saw some wordings from diary (rewritten to a paper) about both cases. Also that magician is my friend and I trust in him.
Proven fact is that he can transform body but it does not related to DNA. About DNA - not proven fact and even was not experimented.

Nobody even does not think about altering DNA. DNA is DNA.


After reading a few questions regarding my post about the possibilities of Orobas, I was able to read “between the lines” that people believe that I just heard something about Orobas and wrote it with the aim just to add another post to it just was. And I cannot prove its capabilities.

So I decided to expand this topic …

The fact is that magic is alive and it changes. Accordingly, opportunities \ properties of Demons change too. Demons have lost some of its features. If in ancient times they could materialize coins, jewelry, and even bring you under your feet the whole clade, now gone. You can read the books listed below. I hope you trust such a magician, like Lon Milo DuQuette and Carroll “Poke” Runyon.

They explaine in detail why the demons can no longer do many of the things they could do before.

Therefore, I advise you to read the book «Steve Savedov. “Goetic Evocation”. 1996, “Pact With the Devil”, S. Jason Black and Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph. D., 1993, Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated GOETIA by Lon Milo DuQuette, Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph. D. (1992), and also The Book of Solomon’s Magick by Carroll “Poke” Runyon (2001). "

Today, they mostly operate with conventional methods \ laws of magic. That is, create circumstances that lead you to the right people, which make it possible for you, that you demanded from that Demons, for example. If you have a disease that is not diagnosed, and you cannot recover it, the demon will find for you a doctor who will cure your “not diagnosed and incurable disease” as it seemed to you earlier.
Also, I personally read in the grimoire, I do not remember in which one, seems like in one of a series of Solomon’s grimoires. It said that almost all the demons can heal any illness other than deadly. Deadly diseases can be treated by Amaimon only. He was given this power.

Moreover, they generally can almost everything. Just they do not like to do something, and do prefer doing the others. In any case Demons are in any way to turn the intentions of the magician to control it in the opposite direction. That is, they will try and do intend to subdue the magician.

One of the reasons why the Demons easily go to the contact when you call them is their intention to control you. And It still always remains the property of them to pull you out of the magic circle and hurt you, very often to death. While the magic circle is useless to stop the Kings! The Kings pass M. C. very easy!

You need to know almost everything, because the Demon always starts to confuse you, trying to recognize how you developed and strong spiritually or it will drive you crazy.

This is one of reasons why I do not summon demons so far, but I’m not afraid to call them.
As the saying goes - better safe than sorry!

But back to the subject of how they work. Yes, of course, they can still affect you directly with their energy. In the case with Orobas -he can change your body or DNA, but is it worth asking him about it?!
Just imagine what changes will be made on your molecular level. It is a violation of the structure of creation, God planted in you. Those who created you. In general - it will turn back to you destruction in the end.

In the end that’s what I want to write …

I have a topic at this forum in which I described how to call Anael - the Ruler of Venus.
But I have not mentioned in that topic one thing. I’m a natural blonde. After the turmoil in my life, two months later, my fringe and bangs turned gray. Gray hair is not very visible in the white, but it looks like lighting by paint for hair. And new people who I met, everyone asked me what did I lighten locks of my hair or not.

Since I’m a man I do not like these questions. I did not survive strongly because of it, but those thoughts in my head slipped from time to time.

Why do I mention this here!

After calling Anael (a main feature of Venus and her property - beauty) after a while I noticed that something had changed in my appearance. Only then I realized that gray hair has completely disappeared. And as you know, you can only paint the gray hair, but not cured.

I did not ask Anael to do it, I asked her for luck in finding a job that’s all, but she gave it to me as a bonus. Apparently she could read my mind.

So the spirits can really make female or male magicians really beautiful. But we must take into account the astrological components, as may be the opposite result - the ugliness instead of beauty.

If “good” Angels can make a change in the physical level of your body, then Demons can make it with sure! Their actions are stronger and faster, but often lead to worse results over time.

E. A. is very powerful magician. He is very intelligent and spiritually developed. Also, he has strong magical power. Demons respect him. Hence his body can withstand the power vibrations of Demons when he let them pass to his body.


Actually Belial can change DNA or alter certain things energetically. Im not goomg to make outrageous claims as full “shapeshifting” is abigh energy pursuit and may not entirely be possible with ones present configuration anyway.

You are wrong about the Magick Circle. First and foremost the magick Circle is a concept that goes much deeper into other co cepts (something I am always refining). Secondly, thr ability of any influence whether it is a Circle uzed properly or anything else is uktimately only workable because of the Power of the Energy Body and how it effectively works, as that is what influences all magick. I wont say how to do these things, because that is the job of yojr teachers and you to learn from them.


[quote=“Biosynth, post:7, topic:6722”]Actually Belial can change DNA or alter certain things energetically. Im not goomg to make outrageous claims as full “shapeshifting” is abigh energy pursuit and may not entirely be possible with ones present configuration anyway.

You are wrong about the Magick Circle. First and foremost the magick Circle is a concept that goes much deeper into other co cepts (something I am always refining). Secondly, thr ability of any influence whether it is a Circle uzed properly or anything else is uktimately only workable because of the Power of the Energy Body and how it effectively works, as that is what influences all magick. I wont say how to do these things, because that is the job of yojr teachers and you to learn from them.[/quote]

Yes, sure Magic Circle is important to accumulate energy of magician. But M. C. serve and protective component. I wrote exactly about protective component - it is useless for the Kings as a protection. Please, note - I have mentioned THE KINGS only.

[quote author=BOleck link=topic=7051.msg75325#msg75325 date=1448444484]

Actually, you create your Magic Circle on Astral plan (Sepher Malkut and Assia realm, accordingly) and main part of M. C. is your aura. Wording which are on a piece of cloth or paper (physical circle) are just magic symbolism which services as reference for your mind.

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Still wrong about the M.C.

The Magick Circle Symbolizes the 3D round earth and your relationship to it. It also represents a certain Concept. The reason its useless to the Kings is because they understand many of these things and have blgone beyond the need for protection as the world is theirs!

No matter what you do whether its circles or pentegrams or prayers, fact is it is the strength if your Soul your energetic nature akone that makes it all happen. The Circle represents the World where when you are a God gou surpass the need for protection because you work more along the lines of being Influential and hands on in deaking with things and not so much hiding behind the barrier of a Circukar shield.

This is the reason the Goetics laugh at some magickans behind protective circles. The circle is nothing more than your energized Intent, and hence needing to have a powerful Energy. Ody in the first place. The Circle IS not meant for gathering energy but only because you Intended it as such. It is mkre for defining boundries. Since your htilizing the circle at least k ow your Friends vs Enemies if you are going to define your boundries. This is especially from King Belial himself the King of the Demon Kings as he is the last one to work with towards the Path of Mastery.


[quote=“Biosynth, post:10, topic:6722”]Still wrong about the M.C.

The Magick Circle Symbolizes the 3D round earth and your relationship to it. It also represents a certain Concept. The reason its useless to the Kings is because they understand many of these things and have blgone beyond the need for protection as the world is theirs!

No matter what you do whether its circles or pentegrams or prayers, fact is it is the strength if your Soul your energetic nature akone that makes it all happen. The Circle represents the World where when you are a God gou surpass the need for protection because you work more along the lines of being Influential and hands on in deaking with things and not so much hiding behind the barrier of a Circukar shield.

This is the reason the Goetics laugh at some magickans behind protective circles. The circle is nothing more than your energized Intent, and hence needing to have a powerful Energy. Ody in the first place. The Circle IS not meant for gathering energy but only because you Intended it as such. It is mkre for defining boundries. Since your htilizing the circle at least k ow your Friends vs Enemies if you are going to define your boundries. This is especially from King Belial himself the King of the Demon Kings as he is the last one to work with towards the Path of Mastery.[/quote]

Can’t understand why did you catch to MCs? Here you are writing: “The circle is nothing more than your energized Intend” - yes! I wrote same!!!

But NO! Magic Circle will never make you God! You are already God or God is inside of you. But yes, it is 3d dimension as it is actually sphere and not a circle. Sphere which consists of two heme-spheres. One part above you the other one under you. This sphere as a solid one covers you as microcosm. You create it in astral way and grow it by your imagination to the boundaries of Universe. And all these actions go on physical, drawn circle made of physical material - paper, fabric…

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But what if they aren’t?

[quote=“BOleck, post:6, topic:6722”]Addition!

After reading a few questions regarding my post about the possibilities of Orobas, I was able to read “between the lines” that people believe that I just heard something about Orobas and wrote it with the aim just to add another post to it just was. And I cannot prove its capabilities.

So I decided to expand this topic …

The fact is that magic is alive and it changes. Accordingly, opportunities \ properties of Demons change too. Demons have lost some of its features. If in ancient times they could materialize coins, jewelry, and even bring you under your feet the whole clade, now gone. You can read the books listed below. I hope you trust such a magician, like Lon Milo DuQuette and Carroll “Poke” Runyon.

They explaine in detail why the demons can no longer do many of the things they could do before.

Therefore, I advise you to read the book «Steve Savedov. “Goetic Evocation”. 1996, “Pact With the Devil”, S. Jason Black and Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph. D., 1993, Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated GOETIA by Lon Milo DuQuette, Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph. D. (1992), and also The Book of Solomon’s Magick by Carroll “Poke” Runyon (2001). "

Today, they mostly operate with conventional methods \ laws of magic. That is, create circumstances that lead you to the right people, which make it possible for you, that you demanded from that Demons, for example. If you have a disease that is not diagnosed, and you cannot recover it, the demon will find for you a doctor who will cure your “not diagnosed and incurable disease” as it seemed to you earlier.
Also, I personally read in the grimoire, I do not remember in which one, seems like in one of a series of Solomon’s grimoires. It said that almost all the demons can heal any illness other than deadly. Deadly diseases can be treated by Amaimon only. He was given this power.

Moreover, they generally can almost everything. Just they do not like to do something, and do prefer doing the others. In any case Demons are in any way to turn the intentions of the magician to control it in the opposite direction. That is, they will try and do intend to subdue the magician.

One of the reasons why the Demons easily go to the contact when you call them is their intention to control you. And It still always remains the property of them to pull you out of the magic circle and hurt you, very often to death. While the magic circle is useless to stop the Kings! The Kings pass M. C. very easy!

You need to know almost everything, because the Demon always starts to confuse you, trying to recognize how you developed and strong spiritually or it will drive you crazy.

This is one of reasons why I do not summon demons so far, but I’m not afraid to call them.
As the saying goes - better safe than sorry!

But back to the subject of how they work. Yes, of course, they can still affect you directly with their energy. In the case with Orobas -he can change your body or DNA, but is it worth asking him about it?!
Just imagine what changes will be made on your molecular level. It is a violation of the structure of creation, God planted in you. Those who created you. In general - it will turn back to you destruction in the end.

In the end that’s what I want to write …

I have a topic at this forum in which I described how to call Anael - the Ruler of Venus.
But I have not mentioned in that topic one thing. I’m a natural blonde. After the turmoil in my life, two months later, my fringe and bangs turned gray. Gray hair is not very visible in the white, but it looks like lighting by paint for hair. And new people who I met, everyone asked me what did I lighten locks of my hair or not.

Since I’m a man I do not like these questions. I did not survive strongly because of it, but those thoughts in my head slipped from time to time.

Why do I mention this here!

After calling Anael (a main feature of Venus and her property - beauty) after a while I noticed that something had changed in my appearance. Only then I realized that gray hair has completely disappeared. And as you know, you can only paint the gray hair, but not cured.

I did not ask Anael to do it, I asked her for luck in finding a job that’s all, but she gave it to me as a bonus. Apparently she could read my mind.

So the spirits can really make female or male magicians really beautiful. But we must take into account the astrological components, as may be the opposite result - the ugliness instead of beauty.

If “good” Angels can make a change in the physical level of your body, then Demons can make it with sure! Their actions are stronger and faster, but often lead to worse results over time.

E. A. is very powerful magician. He is very intelligent and spiritually developed. Also, he has strong magical power. Demons respect him. Hence his body can withstand the power vibrations of Demons when he let them pass to his body.[/quote]

Demons respect a certain kind of vibration and intention, but not all Demons are the same. You say that they will control you if they can and some will, but a true magician enters the domain of darkness with a certain wisdom. Approach almost any spirit with this wisdom, desire and vibration and you’ll come to no harm. The trouble is… I can’t put into words what that vibration is. I know how it feels to me, but it’s different for everyone.

The thing you forgot to mention is that the attributes of control and domination over the magician is not exclusive to just demons. An angel may as easily object to a mortal practicing magick and vaporize them. You see, nothing is black and white. These “Demons”, “Angels”, Gods": " Kami and so forth… Are spirits within a greater society of higher consciousness. Within each of these entities exists the capacity for both good deeds and evil deeds and everything in between. The manifestation, however is a power that is within the magician. The vibration and expectation of a spirit gives it life through you. You are the portal.

That beings said, what you are really doing during evokation is evoking a facet of that spirit that matches your vibration. Their ultimate goal in any case with any spirit, us to influence this world and manifest here. You as a magician can help them do that and if they cannot control you then they must work with you. Just be aware that dominating them is as unwise as it gets. As long as one thing us known in the relationship between magician and spirit then you will be fine: By being the magician, you are opting to be God. If you forget this and let the victimhood set in at any time in the presence of certain spirits then they will reflect your vibration and may kill you. Just remember… It all begins and ends with you. The magician and your belief structures are the foundation. You build your reality and you decide what to bring into it and how to bring it in. Never let any person or spirit convince you otherwise or THEY will be the ones manifesting your existence.


Just to add to this. Here is what I have observed from “Demons” and other ancient entities. At least from the bits I’ve been able to pick up on.

Yes, the seem to hate most of humanity. They aren’t just racist or prejudice though. They aren’t all just bigoted or irrational. To the best of my observation and knowledge… They hate us because we do not live up to what is possible. We have been given a huge gift and it seldom gets used to its fullest because the dominant species on it are busy stagnating, busy bickering over petty things and the true nature if this gift is selfishly squandered and taken for granted and sucked clean of every natural resource with absolute carelessness. The ancients would rather we just give it to them, but like a baby with a ball we hold it hostage while we destroy it instead of giving them a chance to do something great with it.

The key, the thing in itself… This world has a secret. A secret that few know about and it is huge. It’s a shame I’m not allowed to just say what it is, but when you find out what it is… You’ll all shit bricks and everything will suddenly make sense for you.


Yeah they hate those whom hold back progress. Like some others on this forum whom encountered a horrible entity, is the actual reason you just put out right here (I didn’t tell such a person everything). This was the reason for the spirits look of hate towards such an individual staring at a News Screen. Don’t get me wrong I did call out to the spirit, but the information was “given” to me as it volunteered it itself and would not tell me anything else. That was all I needed to know, and how I knew a number of other things that this person it hated for a good reason.

But you hit it right on the head…SHITTING BRICKS indeed. lol


[quote=“Biosynth, post:15, topic:6722”]Yeah they hate those whom hold back progress. Like some others on this forum whom encountered a horrible entity, is the actual reason you just put out right here (I didn’t tell such a person everything). This was the reason for the spirits look of hate towards such an individual staring at a News Screen. Don’t get me wrong I did call out to the spirit, but the information was “given” to me as it volunteered it itself and would not tell me anything else. That was all I needed to know, and how I knew a number of other things that this person it hated for a good reason.

But you hit it right on the head…SHITTING BRICKS indeed. lol[/quote]

It really boils down to this: They don’t want their time wasted on those that aren’t fully committed to the transformation. To evolution.


[quote author=Rygill-85 link=topic=7051.msg75845#msg75845 date=1449236751]

[quote=“BOleck, post:6, topic:6722”]Addition!

You see, nothing is black and white. These “Demons”, “Angels”, Gods": " Kami and so forth…[/quote]

Yes! I agree to all you have writen. And espicially with what I remain in quotes. Yes - no black and white. Actually, it is known from Hermes Trismegist:“What above is same is below”.

So, whom should I go to for consultation if I have a skeletal chest deformity that I want help with?

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An orthopedist?

So, by form our body is… He can make me bigger? Slimmer? Muscullar? Shorter ? Taller? Etc?