350 day challenge followup

Its actually center of Head…the true 6th chakra is the Pineal Gland…the 3rd eye is only an extension of this. The top of head is Associated (also in relation to third eye forehead) with The Future (crown) where ones PRESENT (forehead) visionsry is Fed both ways by the Karmic Spirit influencing ones Crown Chakra (Future) as Inspiration…because inspiration is a Future oriented task. The top of head, forehead brain amd reptillian Brainstem work in conjuctiom because they are responsible for dictating ones Informational Magick Program of PAST/PRESENT/FUTURE. THE THROAT chakra is actually thd Reptillian Brainstem.

So the 5th, 6th and 7th chakra actually are responsible for directing your timeline of Event Manifestation, whereas the first 4 are the alchemically created/transmuted energy source from your body.

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May I take a moment to drop in a link to a brilliant book about my babe Lord Ganesha: http://www.himalayanacademy.com/view/loving-ganesha

Legal to download free from that site, and you won’t be disappointed. :slight_smile:

Just a follow up, did you ever manage to see Ganesha?

No! did over a million absolutely nothing happened at the end - all a bit of a let down.

Im sure the meditations made your chakras stronger.

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