32 deck cartomancy reading interpretation and general info

I did a reading using a 32 deck to see if taking a particular action would be positive for my love life/relationship. This is what I got:

First 4 cards jumped during shuffling in that order (7 of diamonds first), the 9 of clubs I drew after cutting and the next 3 followed it (extra info, details). To me it seems it should be good and lead to good changes, love and reunion.

So far I’ve been using the meanings from Cartomancy Corner: A German Method of Fortune Telling with 32 Playing Cards and while it seems good, I don’t think I agree with the meaning for the Queen of Clubs for example. It says it should be a false/evil woman but I know this card also means woman with darker hair, older woman, caring/loving woman, co-worker, business woman, active, confident woman, etc in other systems. I find the court cards to be the most difficult to interpret and seem to have widely different meanings depending where you look.

In this reading especially I feel like the Queen might represent my target and the 3 extra info ones seem to point to us two and a prospect of love. And since they followed the “good change” card it makes me feel like the general meaning is “if you take this action there might be good changes in your relationship with the prospect of love” and the 4 jumpers also point in that direction. Would love any input on the interpretation.

Anyone else doing 32 deck readings? It seems much harder to find meanings for a 32 deck as opposed to 52. Any good source material anyone can recommend? What do the court cards mean to you?



Without knowing the meaning of the placement it’s hard to say. Generally if the card is afflicted then use a reverse meaning. Trying to correlate in my head tarot suits to cars suits. The Knight and page would be a Jack, queen and king meanings should be consistent.
It’s very much based on numerology meanings.
A two faced woman would be my opinion.

Not sure directly correlating tarot to cartomancy is always the good approach though. Especially since cartomancy has different systems too: 24 deck, 32 deck, 52 deck.

I have never seen anything like this. Interesting thread I will also be following.

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