1st evocationish

I performed my first evocation of Lilith today following Lady Eva’s beginners guide on the forum. Not sure on my success though. I had trouble with visualizing her form in front of me. Any ideas on how I can improve or things to work on would be appreciated.
Things noted:

  1. The sigil did begin to glow(not like a normal brightness, but like a shiny flashing lines around the lines) and vibrate much to my surprise while I recited the Enn
  2. The candle made a loud popping noise while i recited the Enn, did not repeat afterwards and not sure how it did it to begin with lol
  3. After making my request I felt nothing change and saw nothing, but I did hear 2 creaks outside the room and an almost inaudible breath at one point that i’m sure wasn’t mine

Thank you again for any help :slight_smile:


you need to go deeper in to trance to feel some thing just keep chanting and relax your doing it right


I think I might of rushed a bit too. First time jitters lol. Next time I will relax more and continue until I feel a noticeable change or feel it’s right


No problem heres some threads if they dont help just use the search up in the top right

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2nd attempt

Still was unable to hear or make official contact. Some things did change this time though:

  1. The paper that I had drawn her sigil on would turn greenish yellow and flow up from the bottom to the top of the page like a wave washing over it as i chanted the Enn
  2. When I looked up from the sigil, i was unable to visualize again (I seem to have a knack of sucking at visualization on cue), but the surface the candle was on looked like it was moving under the surface
  3. The air was a little wavy almost like a hot day in the desert

Will wait to see if dreams or anything after changes, but even though this wasn’t 100% successful, I feel it is still moving in the right direction and will try again


Just saw this thread, about visualizing Lilith you may imagine her either as a female warrior or mid air with bat wings, snake tail, white skin, black hair (or blonde, if you feel it more correct).


I feel the best way is to not think that your evocation was not successful or partially sucessful.

Like you, I would always focus on seeing or hearing the spirit. However what I feel works best for me is not expect anything, just go with the flow. This mind state of no expectation helps me relax more and that’s when contact happens.

I would work on being more aware, notice subtle changes. With each evocation they increase and then bam one day you have something.

Since you’ve already reached 1, 2 and 3, I would just sit and meditate and not worry about visualisation and go deeper. That’s what I do and with each evocation I get more and more contact.

P.S. a few months ago I could barely hear shit and had trouble opening sigils. Although I felt their presence. The point is we all have the abilities, it’s our confidence and faith in them that makes the difference. (Along with other factors such as practice)

Also contact can come in any form, be open and the avenues are multiple.

Wish you luck.


I think i may devote some time daily for the next month practicing visualization


Thanks. Yeah, I’m definitely not giving up. As I’ve only been at this for a little over 2 months now I am happy with any results and see these things as opportunities to learn more of what I need to practice and weaknesses I need to remedy.


It sounds to me like things are actually happening and your making progress. I’d tell you continue doing just as you are now and get the hang of it.