18+ steamy thread for single people the next generation

That would suck for whoever that happens to.

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“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”:frowning:

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Not sure I agree with that statement. Just because you doubt your ability doesn’t mean you will never have confidence again. A momentary mindset would not have infinite causality without a possibility of change. Literally every magician, witch, etc has doubted themselves and their practice at one point or another.


Damn, I just put my two recent journal posts into a word processor because I was curious as to how much I wrote. In two days I wrote 2,988 words with 16,158 total characters.

Holy shit

Maybe writing a book wouldn’t be as difficult as I thought. I knew it was a lot but just the first post alone filled in a full two pages.

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Im not questioning your ability Im questioning whether you would truly benefit from the experience of having your ex back. I think often that doesnt go as imagined.


Probably depends on the reason they seperated, are the issues still existing. If his ex doesn’t love him, then what is the purpose of having her “back”, at that point she is just using him right. People tend to forget all the negatives from the relationship and try to get back together and then guess what…it all happens again. I agree with you, move on. I say this as someone who is also adjusting being single after being with a partner for 12 years, though I would never want her back. I have pretty much accepted that at my age I won’t find another life partner.


Yeah I know it came across as kind of harsh but sometimes you just need to say what needs to be said. Spare yourself the anguish- or not. You will know better than me what you need.

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Dude, I seriously need a Unicorn. She has to be a witch, okay with Luciferian occultism, tattoos (not a must but…) slim and or petite (though fit and strong is also fine as I am a gym nut), something of a geek is a plus and on top of that can’t be taller than 5’7 and is okay with my being only 5’7 and 36 years old. Funny enough a woman that fits what I just wrote joined my coven recently. The only downside is she is a bit young, 26 I think, and of course has a boyfriend, because I mean why wouldn’t such a perfect woman not have a boyfriend ha.


I legit contemplated removing her boyfriend…but nah, just not me.

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I cant imagine what kind of drama that could cause in a coven

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Which part?


Splitting up the relationship and her catching wind

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As if I would tell her I magically destroyed her relationship lol. But again that isn’t me at all. I don’t really do baneful intent magick and something like that, I see it as if it was meant to be than it is meant to be. I also have no clue if she finds me attractive or anything, so I won’t go around messing with someones love life on some hope. I ain’t a noob who fucks with the Universe like that.


Once someone’s hurt you, it’s harder to relax around them, harder to think of them as safe to love.


100% this.


Not that you would tell her but like, you do magick, she does magick, plenty of ways she could find out lol.

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There is also a conflict of interest, she is a new seeker/outer court member, and I am a 2nd degree HP, while I don’t run the coven, I am in a senior position. I wouldn’t even want to make a move on her until she was initiated.


Tears come from the heart and not from the brain. To have felt too much is to end in feeling nothing. People keep telling me that life goes on, but to me that’s the saddest part.
The saddest part of life is saying goodbye to someone with whom you wanted to spend your life with .

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Living with someone who doesn’t love and respect you is much worse than losing them. It will eat you up, destroy you, make you bitter and the attachment to the loveless relationship will be toxic to all aspects of your life. The first time my wife threatened to leave me I had a breakdown, complete heart shattering breakdown. I literally roared in the shower with complete loss. The second and third time were hard, almost as hard as the first. It took me years and a lot of work to realize I was being used and abused by a cold hearted person. That my attachment to the past love was destroying my future. That is when I left her and started to love myself again.


Notice how you feel and why. Knowing your emotions helps you understand and accept yourself.I rather to have known love then not to have love at all…

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