18+ steamy thread for single people the next generation

Doing what?

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Y’all look.


exercise :joy::joy:

Doing homework labs lol Goetians luv intro chemistry for some reason.


Can you suggest any spirit who can help me in workout :eyes:

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This can help.

Just kidding but this thread has some info about it.


Gm from my side of the world is anybody out there…:satellite:

Depends, technically they all can so it really comes down to what you have to offer and different spirits have different requirements.
For example I work with Asmodeus and offer different rites in return that focus around sex magic and offerings. But someone who works with say Amduscias may offer music or songs in their name.


@Undying.Embers how r u doing hope everything is well,want to say thank you.

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What is your current workout plan?

I use a couple techniques. One technique is to envision a great beastial spirit, demon whatever, all around me. Like I am turning into that being. I guess you could say I am enacting the godform of that entity. The inner beast coming out. It is a great way to get energized and focused for working out. Kundalini work is also helpful, getting that energy flowing and then do a big lift, it is like smelling salts.

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i can offer hardwork and dedication :eyes::relieved:

i joined after 2 years sok right now i am taking it slow … cardio and 2 muscles daily

ohh i can try that … i was also thinking about making servitors and asking them to burn more fat than usual
or feed themselves on the energy exerted

Just keep going, that is the biggest thing. A lot of people go for a month maybe two and stop. If you want real results it takes at least 6 months of dedication, proper nutrition, and pushing yourself. For men, weight lifting will do a lot more for you then static cardio for weight loss. And of course your diet is 75% of weight loss.

But yea, we should come up with a servitor for weight loss. I still need to shed about 8lbs of fat to be where I would like to be at.

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sure thing !! consistency is the key


A song to listen to while in bed, on a warm sunny day, with your significant other…

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Hey I’m doing alright, just got my vre benefits and saving my Gi bill for grad school. I have to say this infernal empire is two years in the making but I never thought I’d get this far.
Long road ahead yet I feel unstoppable.




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