Hi, everyone. Hope your day is well.
I am on a hiatus from all spirit work for a good while. It seems that all of the evocations I’ve done have taken a toll on my energy body, according to Azazel. I hate to take a break, but he’s one spirit that I don’t want to piss of because, well…he likes to move physical objects around.
Anyway, the closest I can do is write…so I figured that I would write about my origins in all of this. I’m not even sure why I write in the first place. When my journey happened, I just had a sudden strong intuition to start writing. So I did…
That leads us to here, the present moment. But there was something I didn’t write about. Something that I should of wrote about in the first place. So I am including it here as a sort of “origin story”. It pertains to my pact with Lucifer, the being who started it all.
This takes place before I even discovered the LHP. Before I even knew that this whole ordeal even existed. I had just found out about my “gifts” in seeing the other side, and began my research into the spirit world.
During this time, my life was utter shit, to put it bluntly. I was broke…in debt…struggling…lonely… in a shitty job…my dreams of being a musician being torn apart by daily life struggles. I was still caught up in New Age beliefs of peace, love, and harmony, so I didn’t even think about going to the demonic side. I thought the entire thing was evil (Boy was I wrong) and was to be avoided entirely.
Well, as many may know, such beliefs of peace & love will only get one so far in this world. The whole love and light aspect wasn’t helping my situation, and I found myself getting frustrated. Why am I still struggling when I’m trying to do good in this world? Why must I still suffer?
…And where is God?
This went on for months and months…until I finally snapped and became angry at the world. I realized that no matter how good I was, life did not become better. No matter how much I tried to come into the light, I would still find my life going up in flames. Hell…it seemed that trying to be a person of peace, love, and light actually made my situation worse. It was as if the more I tried to embody the persona of a hero, the more my life would be destroyed. It was almost as if it was deliberate, and from an intelligent source…
After a while I simply became fed up. I saw that my life was getting worse, so I opted to turn the opposite way…towards the dark. During this time, I was still trapped within the exoteric concepts of Hell, and that if you practiced the dark arts, you would go to this place forever.
But I didn’t care. (I now know that the JCI concept of Hell isn’t true)
Hell, I wanted me and “God” to have a little chat over some tea so that I can find out why he gave me such a shitty life.
So…I had a bright idea. My life was going up in flames, no matter what I did. I had nothing left to do., and nothing left to lose. I was all out of options. Well…all except for one. I was going to form a pact with the Devil himself.
Now…a funny side note, deep down…I felt the need to make a pact with him for my whole life. It was a very small intuition, but it was there. Even when I was a Christian, I always felt the need to explore the dark side, and form a deal with Lucifer. I could never explain it. It was just something I was born with. A certain itch. But it was always repressed due to my beliefs.
But now, those beliefs were out of the window, and this was the one of only two options left. I told myself this: I have only two options. I make this pact, and finally have a fighting chance at this world, or if something goes wrong, or even Lucifer rejects me…I will simply end my life.
So I set off, doing all of the research I possibly could. I went down some seemingly dark stuff, but I didn’t care. I was desperate to fix my life for good. During this time, I started to become aware that my “gifts” (extremely developed astral senses) probably were not a mental illness, but part of some sort of spiritual mechanism. So I began to believe that seeing shadow people and random spirits walking around probably wasn’t a sign that I was going crazy (or maybe it was).
Either way, in light of all of this, I began to accept what I was seeing, and began talking to my “visions”, and to my surprise, they spoke back, excited that I was finally speaking to them.
That’s when he appeared.
Lucifer. Albeit the total opposite of what I expected. The entity that claimed to be him looked…different than what I imagined. He acted different, too. This entity looked completely harmless. He was a handsome blonde man in a white suit, with some of the most beautiful yellow eyes I had ever seen. They were bright and glowing, like two suns. Not only that, but he was far more gentle. Contrary to the popular belief, he was actually nice. Totally put me off guard. Because of this, I laughed in his face. “A nice, good-looking guy like you couldn’t possibly be Lucifer. You’re probably not even real.”
Well, he proved me wrong very fast. And I finally began to see that what I am perceiving may be the real deal. So I asked him “What do you want? Why did you find me? Why someone like you?” His reply was “I saw you wanted to make a pact with me. I’ve been waiting on you for a long time. I only came now because you have decided, to a small degree, to trust your gifts.”
Me: You knew about this?
Lucifer: Yes. I’ve had eyes on your for a while now. But I wanted to wait for the right time, which is now. I heard that you want money, fame, and power. And you want it from me. Is that true?
Me: Y-yes. Can you give me these things?
Lucifer: Now, give them to you… I’m not sure about that. Help you acquire them, however? Most certainly. But I need something in return.
Me: My soul?
Lucifer: (laughter) Not that, young one. Something better. Something that will further your ascent.
Something within me wanted to scream yes. But with this…something within me also made me fearful of this entire decision. I suppose I still had a bit of my previous beliefs still left in me, and something didn’t want me to work with Lucifer, at least at that moment. After further conversation about the pact, and realizing that he’s actually a really nice dude, I told him that I don’t know about this whole ordeal yet. “Are you certain?” He asked. I agreed. He wasn’t offended by it, but he was surprised. Still, he told me that whenever I was ready, to look for him.
Weeks later, a terrible event happened. Something that changed my entire psyche. I don’t want to get into specifics of the event, but it wasn’t anything terribly dark…still, it was the one final push needed to completely break me. It really hurt me emotionally. Couple that with all of the other issues I was faced with, and my mind couldn’t take it. As I sat down and cried my eyes out, Lucifer appeared once again, sitting on my bed. We sat there, looking at each other.
Lucifer: Well…as I said…whenever you are ready.
I looked at him with a straight face, anger and defeat still boiling my blood.
Me: What must I give you?
Lucifer: You know what you must do, Jordin. Make the pact template, and in the following week, I will show you what you what I require from you.
I said nothing, and got to work immediately. Over the following week, he didn’t hesitate to show me what he wanted from me. I knew that he saw something in me, because some of the things he required involved spreading our message. For example (and I have his permission to reveal some parts of our pact, for documentation’s sake), one of his requirements was that he wanted me to become a teacher of the occult. At the time, I found it weird, because I didn’t know enough to consider myself to be a teacher. Hell, I had just got rid of my exoteric belief system. But he reassured me that “I will soon see how much I really know.” He also required that I write everything down that happens in my journey. He claimed that he wanted the world to know about me. I told him that at the current level of human consciousness, such a thing is risky, but he told me that I do not need to worry, and to simply do what I can.
I spent the entire week working diligently to create the pact, as best as I could. The weekend after would be my first evocation ever, of Lucifer. Now, I will admit…I made a mistake in doing this. But it paid off in the end. I was never suppose to go in and make a pact with a spirit that I have never met before. But in Lucifer’s case, he urged me that it was okay. As desperate as I was, I didn’t care. He offered to help fix my life, so I was going to do whatever it took.
This brings us to the journal of my first evocation ever. Minutes before this ritual, I was shitting my pants. I had never done any sort of work with any spirit, ever. This would be the first time I have ever had direct contact with the full energy of a spirit from the other side. I sucked it up and did it anyway. It was too late to turn back now.
He didn’t hesitate to let me know that he came. What happened completely blew me away, and blew all doubts and “atheisms” I had left within me completely out of the window. That first evocation made me realize that I wasn’t going crazy, and that maybe I had a gift. For the first time, I had a first-hand view of the paranormal. The room went from heater-warm to completely freezing, the candles grew brightly, the entire energy of the room shifted. The outside world went completely silent, as if I had walked into an alternate dimension, and I felt someone watching me. All I could remember thinking was… “holy fuck…”
“Congratulations. You’ve done it.”
He appeared before me, this time a hooded figure in a robe. Still somewhat angry at all that happened to me through life, I spoke with him about my pact. Here is what happened at one point during the discussion.
Lucifer: I see… so you want me to make you the complete opposite of what you are now. You want me to cure your addiction. You also want money…power…women…ha ha ha. It is the classic tale, told all over again. I suppose history does repeat itself, indeed.
Me: That’s exactly what I want. I know…I know what people will say. That kind of stuff doesn’t buy true happiness. But who cares? I don’t want to die knowing I didn’t get all that I could out of this world. What is the point of living in this existence if you can’t have the material things it has to offer?
Lucifer: Trust me, I understand. I can offer you all of this, Jordin. I am sure you know what I want in return, hm?
Me: Yes. And I will me more than happy to keep up my end of the bargain. Please…just help me fix my life. I can’t take it anymore…You’re the only solution that I have left.
Lucifer: Hahah, child…you still have a lot to learn about yourself. Let us agree to this…formally. But first…Allow me to show you something.
Me: Of course.
He pointed to the part of the contract that stated in return for his help, “I will become a teacher of the occult for others I find worthy to start their own path.”
Lucifer: This…is the part I want you to focus on the most.
Me: Are you sure? Even more than the blood?
Lucifer: Yes. Even more than your offering. While all of your promises are important, this is the one I want done to the best of your ability, no exceptions. Along with this, you will continue to learn all that you can about this path, understand?
Me: I do.
Lucifer: Splendid. Well, Jordin, you now know what to do.
I proceeded to sign the pact in my own blood. Lucifer followed right after.
Lucifer: It is done. Welcome to the infernal realm, Lucius. You don’t know it yet, but you’ve just made the best decision of your life. One I’ve waited years for you to do.
(I promised to acquire the name Lucius)
Me: (Relieved) What time frame can be expected?
Lucifer: a couple of years, max. I can’t promise that you will be swimming in money, fame, and women by tomorrow morning, but I can bring it to you sooner than you may expect me to…granted you do your part and heed my guidance.
Me: I will, I promise. Thank you for being there when nobody was.
Lucifer: No problem, young one. You now know what you must do. You are dismissed.
After the ritual, I felt great.
I felt reborn. I felt as if I had made a good decision. And I did…
Coincidentally, days after this ritual, I found out about this forum. Haha. Its funny…because I never knew this place even existed before the ritual. After reading around it a bit, I found out that other people here were having the same experience as I did. What scared me the most (in a good way), was that most other people on this forum perceived Lucifer in the same way that he appeared to me when we first met. I found it extremely synchronistic. I took it as a sign, and after a few days of looking around , decided to create an account and document my entire journey and what happened previously.
I continued to keep up my end of the bargain. A few weeks down the line, something odd happened. After signing to the forum, entities began to appear that desired to help me with my life desires. Desires that I specifically stated within my pact. They began to show me signs that they wanted to work with me, and that is how I met the other spirits. Lilith wanted to help me with my addiction. Asmodeus wanted to teach me how to become a ladies man. Belial also wanted to help me with my addiction, and to help me make $10,000 per month to start out in my journey to millions. Looking back, it is amazing, because these were things I stated that i desired. Its crazy to see them beginning to manifest in my life.
Now, one may say “why didn’t I write about this before? It should have been my very first post.” Well, to be honest I’m not entirely sure myself…Even Lucifer was quite surprised that I didn’t write about this very important event. I suppose some part of me felt that it was too deep to reveal. The pact was a significant turning point in my life. But a promise is a promise, and I promised him that I would document everything. So, this is where it all began, and this is why I am here.
Thanks, BALG community!
- Lucius