Project: Evocation BlackList

Evocation of Sailor Moon
Setting: you already know where

Subject: Powers of The Moon

Message: Because the moon rules Illusions, it also rules over the nightside of reality (the Qlippoth). Remember how everything is reversed in there? Using moon magic you can make the target experience reality as a illusion inside their mind. The Buddha mentioned this when he speaks of the world being in Illusion. He was being affected by Moon Magic and was speaking of how the whole world is under the influence of the moon… My power. Turn their minds into mental illness ridden planets by calling on me :smiley:

I will induce all sorts of mental illness since that is what the moon (and consequently myself ) rules over. I can literally make their entire reality appear different than the rest of you; I do it every day. It’s called Schizophrenia, Paranoia, psychosis, hallucinations etc. I am a kind girl but I can be a bitch when necessary. You may associate me with Lilith since we both rule over the moon, but different aspects of it.

Next up is Demonic Queen Marissa

Note: I didn’t even call her forth guys lol. She came to me. In a brief moment of Gnosis, this is what came to me


In actuality: this “moon magick” is just a cleansing force, brought in motion by the magician,
~BUT: If you don’t know that is a force to set you free, you will in the most cases, start to build walls made of thin air, but also draw rivers and seas of lava and pain and neverending torment to yourself.

To make someone insane, is: just knowing that those will not stand the painfull and purifying truth, ~so… they are going to break.


She came to you? It’s interesting that the ‘fictional’ version of myself exist with the alternate reality version of the entity entangled with me in this reality as another living entity.


Evocation of Demonic Queen Marissa
Setting: Sitting on bed. Light trance

Subject: Godlike Power

Message: As a demonic Queen, my rise to power was assured before the world got started. The same must be realized by you. Micah, Ascent is not something you strive for it is your birthright! As an heir to your demonic throne(talking symbolism here) claim your power. You are a King(referring to mindset),you are a DEMON(referring to drive /energy ) you are made of Hunger for power and all that it brings. Use it(that knowledge, hunger) to Ascend beyond the throne of God onto your throne where you break his chains and end the cult that wishes to keep humanity weak. Kill as is necessary If anyone gets in the way of your rise to power. Period. Man,woman, beast… It doesn’t matter. A demon doesn’t give up… Ever. My weapons are swords, dogs, and my own power. On the Astral you will need these. Come to me and I will give you servitors whose sole purpose is only to protect you and your family from harm. This applies to everyone of you reading this. MY SERVITORS ARE YOUR SERVITORS! Forever. That is all.



@AndEternity that was referring to sailor moon.

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Oh okay lol, also that sounds like her, slightly looks like her too lol


I guess… everyone get your servitors lol

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Evocation of Benton Ryer

Message: I am here. Like Cain, I had to cut down my enemies to survive. I have manipulated those who have manipulated me. I have sought vengeance against those who have wronged me. Because of me, justice has been wrought in the lives of my enemies. I will show you how to do the same. Jehovah has nothing on this dude. My enemies have mostly been people, some were spirits and from experience I can tell you that spirits are alot easier to deal with than people. You must use logistics and plan out your enemies downfall and have back up curses in case they evade your cruelty. I am Benton Ryer and this is my message.

Next is @RiseorDie, after this I will get back to the list with Al Capone or whoever the hell is next on my list lol


Sweat lol


Evocation of @RiseorDie

Subject: Grey Magic
Message: What’s up man? In life there are no Grey areas, it is said. But not with magic. At times, neither white magic or black magic will suffice because life is so freaking complex. Some times you need a demon to heal some one and cause minor injuries at the same time To another person. That is why Grey magic exists. Think of the Anti Hero in comic books. Wolverine is an example. He is neither good, or bad, but acts in the moment said necessary. Storm is another. The light spectrum meets at Grey, the blurring of the lines between good and bad. As a Grey magician, we are all anti Heros. Like hitmen, we simply do our job. Anything that is good or evil is defined as such not by us, but by you guys… Society. We are simply here to help. Shoot first, ask questions later lol.

Next is Albert Wesker!


Well then rofl


Was that you? :joy:


From the very first sentence “whats up man?” LMAO


Awesome! :tada::tada::tada:


I’m going to take a break guys. Something is missing from the evocations. TGS isn’t as deep as it should be… Be right back


Geez even spirit me doesnt like to kill lol


Evocation of Albert Wesker

Message: Malevolence is the skin of evil intelligence. Beauty is only skin deep. Intelligence goes much deeper than just planning things. It goes into the motive of the target: their hopes and fears, selfish desires that drive even their morals.
Now we are penetrating into the blood of intelligent evil…
It goes to their heart and asks “Why are you doing this heroic act?” it turns them against their own selves. Make no mistake! In the movies it is SCRIPTED to not succeed. In reality, it is certainly different. You see people turn against themselves every day… Suicide, drug addiction, heroin, murder, etc. People do these things to channel the death urge within them because they are not black magicians. Intelligent evil seeks to destroy the self through magical means. Something needs to be killed off? Evil uses black magic to do it(death magic anyone? ). Those same urges hold power that can be used to strengthen the Death Self, your own incarnation of the Lord of Death like a twisted medical experiment. We know no bounds with the power we bring. Intelligent evil has made itself known…

End of Evocation
Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is next!


Guys my phone is acting up so I have to stop momentarily
Seriously… They’re messing with my phone charger. It never stopped working before


I’m sorry for the shit that happens to you,
but i hope that you still will find the time and will to do me that favour :wink:

Hint(for the others)
a totally no-homo intent XD


Well that sucks lol