Project: Evocation BlackList



Tsukini Kawatte! Oshioki yo!! Sugoi!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Translation please? :joy: @Wednesday


OK Im back. Had to vent a little due to frustration. @Drachir I got you


Something like In the Name of the Moon, Weā€™ll Punish You! Sugoi is a word used for awesome or cool. Sorry, for the Otaku attack!


Evocation of Angel (Buffy the Vampire slayer )
Setting: You already know where.

Message: I am a friend of Buffy. I fight for her, I murder for her. No matter how you Ascend, always remember those who have redeemed you. Redemption can take many forms as simple as someone giving you a like on your posts when feeling down. Or on your facebook page someone commenting a really positive statement. The ones who have redeemed you are the ones to stay loyal to. Christ hasnā€™t redeemed no one. He does not give. He only takes and I am againts those values. Ascent is to redeem your lower self and kill off that which has tried to kill you. You are the fallen angel and, like me, ascent is climbing back to Grace which is power as your Godself. Keep going, donā€™t forget your dark side. Employ it as a protecter as you journey to the light. That is all.

End of Evocation
Next upā€¦DEADPOOL!!!


Do Dexter Morgan! lol


After Deadpool I will.


Evocation of Deadpool

Message: Chimichangas! Whatā€™s up Everyone? Itā€™s your favorite merc with a mouth here with a special message for you! And you! And you! Andā€¦ Anyway, as much fun as killing is, donā€™t forget about humor! Thatā€™s right, the fun of killing is when you can toss in a good two liner or three. No I did not make a mistake there and he typed exactly what I wanted him to. A two liner. Two liner. Twoooo linerrrrrr! OK moving on. If you want to retain your skills while injecting humour than evoke me! Iā€™m like Saturn, but drunk, hungover, and with a wicked sense of humour. I specialize in hitman style kills whether itā€™s Voodoo, Palo mayombe, European arts, or demons from the pits of hell (psst hell doesnā€™t exist ). Whatever your merc needs, you know who to callā€¦ Or evokeā€¦ Or whatever. Chimichangas!

End of Evocation
Dexter Morgan is next!


Evocation of Dexter Morgan

Message: Dexter is back from the depths of hell and infernal Ascent. I am Americaā€™s favorite serial killer, and your favorite go to guy for tactical murder operations. Invoke Me and I will increase your decision making skills and help you review your surroundings to make sure you leave NO TRACE OF EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER! I do not play games. Do not call me for fun, but call me when you have done something you canā€™t undo hahahaha. I will show you clever ways of covering your tracks. In the name of hell and infernal ascentā€¦I am Dexter Morgan God of Murder, Dissection, Dismemberment, and Disposal. I have spoken.

End of Evocation

Wow. That was intense :joy:


Thatā€™s it for tonight ladies and gentlemen. Goodnight


Fun fact: In the first Dexter books the dark passenger was referred to as an actual black demonic entity, but it was dismissed as being too unrealistic and not used or elaborated further on in later books lol

Itā€™s funny, for the people on this forum, this concept actually creates even more realism.


Is cool. ~Go and get some rest (me tooā€¦itsā€¦7:18AM!!!

~ALSO: I CANā€™T WAIT FOR MOOOORE!! You are amazing :3


I promise you this is the LAST ONE: Goddess of The Sun Amaterasu,called, and with the help of @AndEternity I answered.

Evocation of Amaterasu
Setting: Underneath covers in bed

Message: Hello, young Master. I have called you here to evoke me so I may help you in your quest in Ascent. Yahweh will not be able to attack you any longer. The Sun is more powerful than he isā€¦ Way more powerful. The elemental Sun is your Manipura young warrior! It is white hot in color and heat. It is the octave of the physical yellow Sun and is a million times more powerful! Together, we will ignite this Sun and I will channel its energy through you into your workingsā€¦ No exceptions including baneful workings. I am here for you and will protect you from this day forth. I am the Goddess of the Sun and these are my words to you :smiley:

End of Evocation


DAMN! ~I would love to hear what Lilith thinks about her -and in reverse.
In theorie; could that become a mature game changer,
because i could recieve support not just in the darkness or night,
but also the day.


Yup ā€¦ Iā€™m telling you guys. She is no joke lol

I started a thread here:


And btw, Iā€™m sure Lilith is fine with it. It was actually Hecate who arranged the now incredibly strong connection that I have with Amaterasu.


The evocation setting for this sounds adorable! Long live Japan! Please some one do a working to make those bastards breed! Their population is decreasing, and they are the most advanced people on Earth right now. They are making robots that make pancakes, wash dishes, keep old people company, and Jesus, need I say more? Look at the rest of the world. Barbarians! canā€™t even sort out their own religions, and grow up and get the fuck along, and make pancake making robots!


So sorry! I am a passionate random ass woman.

AndEternity, I get so happy evreytime time I hear an argument against spiritual segragation! I have a ridiculously dual nature like I feel Lucifer has. I confuse and infuriate people because of it. I see no reason light and dark canā€™t be balanced. I can be such a cupcake, but Jesus, I can go for the jugler with relish when need be. Feels good! Yeah!

Your story is proof, that spirits care about our well being, and acsent. People limit themsleves with ridiculous politics. At least we can see from elevated beings, that this childish light/dark stuff is just not necessary. Love even in darkness! It is like poetry! It gives me life! :heart::heart::heart:


The Chinese had algebra over a thousand years before the Arabs stole credit for it. lol All advanced civilization has its roots in originally Asian concepts. This is why I like them. (mostly Japanese though) Also alongside certain intelligent European cultures like the Basque, Northern Italics, and Germans.

Hey @Micah, would you also evoke the Sumerian God Utu sometime?


Lol I almost read that as Aku (from samurai Jack):joy:
Sure man