Project Evocation Blacklist PT 2: Further into Insanity,Further into Power: DSM V

I thought that if you evoke a spirit it will always be with you.

Evocation of Bipolar Disorder 1

Evocation: I am a water deity and I rule over emotions. I can change your emotional territory in a few secondsā€¦With a snap of a finger. If you want to best me, gain control over your emotions. Work with the water element. Work with me like any other spirit. I am a vicious enemy but I can be your greatest ally. I am a water queen. Sometimes I possess certain humans just for the hell of it. Let no one decieve you. There is no higher purpose for your suffering except just for the hell of it for other certain spirits I will not name. Are you tired of being laughed at by spirits? Tired of being Fucked with? Then Ascend, young ones! Put a stop to the fuckery! That is allā€¦


Can you all sense the duality in the message?




Perhaps you should evoke Borderline personality disorder & Dissociative Identity disoder.

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If youā€™re going down in order or what have you, keep going. However, I do recommend trying to evoke multiple personality disorder and borderline personality disorder.

Iā€™m sure you are aware that Muliple personality disorder is the same as Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Hey guys, im gonna have to lay low on the mental disorder evocationsā€¦against my better judgement of course :smiley:

I may continue evoking DSM V entities here and there sneaking one or two on here, but for now i have to stop. Although i do feel an incredibly powerful urge to continue.

Just as we were getting to the good stuffā€¦


You okay man?

Yeah, I just didnā€™t read it until I posted, which is why I liked it.

Try to evoke Severe Depression and Mood Disorder. Sometimes it is confused for Bipolar Disorder.

Like Robert DeNiro
suddenly understands what all the tinfoil hats are saying about Hollywood and the occult


Saw this and thought of you @Micah

I think theyā€™re pretty cool, if a bit too cute. :slight_smile:


How fun.
Luckily you donā€™t actually suffer from the illness. Iā€™ve been dealing with schizophrenia for 7 years now and Iā€™d love a way out.

What banishing ritial do you use? Banishing ritual of the pentagram?

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Thanks @Lady_Eva :slight_smile:


I donā€™t think psychiatrists really have a handle on mental illnesses, they seem to run round playing whack-a-mole on various symptoms with drugs that have serious side effects, but unless they can locate a specific event, do some kind of work through talk therapy or even surgery to purge its effects on the psyche (both in terms of physical structure and belief systems, coping strategies etc.), theyā€™re more or less fumbling in the dark.

They also use horrific methods to literally drive innocent animals insane as part of the research and testing process, which I cannot condone, personally, especially given the high rate of misses for every borderline ā€œhitā€ (which is still not a guaranteed treatment for all-comers).

So, while it may seem frivolous to interact with these problems as beings that can be called then sent away, I think the magickal and spiritual sciences, which permit oneā€™s mind to interact with currents of consciousness that are locked to the ordinary muggle out there, especially scientists and skeptics, might eventually provide the key to breaking them.

JMO! :slight_smile:


I just went into meditation in the middle of reading your post to speak to the spirit causing my issues. Says it is the spirit of insanity and wonā€™t be sent away- Also said it had been called to me for my sins against another. This supports the supposition that my malady had been brought along by another person Iā€™ve since lost contact with. I believe some baneful magick is in order. He says he has no personal issue with me, so that kind of makes me happy. Perhaps a handshake in the future is in order. I may be able to harness this issue.

I honestly donā€™t even reap the benefits of this condition. Little creativity comes to me and I find very few answers to anything and the problem here is that itā€™s difficult for me to even look at things from a different perspective.

It really is hit-or-miss with medication, but Iā€™ve been on the same meds for about 5 years now. A mix of Haldol IM 125 mg once every three weeks, and 300 mg of seroquel. I have things under control, but to regain my thought processes and not hear voices when I donā€™t want them would be great gains overall. I hear spirits. Donā€™t need meditation or concentration to it, but Iā€™d rather meditate before starting an important working to increase my connection. Iā€™ve had passing contact and conversation with plenty of known spirits before. But Iā€™ve had meaningful contact with Gods like Ganesha and Kali. Ganesha has helped me through problems before and Iā€™m infinitely thankful to him.

Either way, I have some problems to work through. Hopefully, I havenā€™t angered any of these spirits through my struggling and I can make amends and work through this with them.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Memberā€™s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

I have autasim and know what it feels like

Would love to read a follow up on this.

How did you come up with the sigils for the mental illnesses you have contacted?