Practice Reading Akashic Records…

Family life. I see a father in a blue polo with short cut hair smiling while watching his children play in the sunshine. Fulfillment for you is not fundamentally in esoterica, but in a life lived outside the self.

Oooooohhhh…a black face highlighted red and snarling leans forward out of the shadows and says- “Learn of me a wear viciousness like a crown. Speak thy truth like a man and do not waste thy time in mortal failings…” and pulls back into the darkness. Lots of white flashes.

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The Akashic records are interactive with the querent. I need a clear question.

Angels- Sandalphon, Uriel and Haniel

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This has formed a large part of my strategy

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Hi May I have answer for my question?. I want to know about my laboral future. What is in my nearly future about job??

Perhaps not yet. I’ll take the lesson here as reinforcing that I need to do more work to develop the needed skills and energy, and adapt my strategies in order to achieve my operational objectives.

I appreciate your time and insight

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Thank you @Post_lux_tenebrae

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Awesome that you are doing this @Post_lux_tenebrae

If you want and have the time, I am curious if complete devotion to the path of flames and the witch gods will provide the progression and growth I seek.

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Is that so? Lol!
We shall see…

Thanks for the input.

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Ok, spiritually I am seeing Angelic Magick, Raziel’s Paths of Power, and working with Archangels Raziel, Gabriel and Metatron. For Business I see banking, law and computers as the best paths.

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No, the Lucid Dream oil did not work as expected, the Pyramid in question MAY help, but only if you get the other elements correct, there has to be an energetic balance and frequency alignment. Feel it out intuitively.

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Yes, IVF for your sister will produce a baby. I see a girl as the most likely outcome.

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Most likely job for near future is construction, being involved in cleaning job sites. Also the potential to work at Home Depot…possibly fast food.

This is complex. Yes…it will provide progression and it will provide results. But not the kind you’re seeking- this path slithers between expected and unexpected results- many of which can provide some psychological damage and may have unintended consequences. The potential for power is strong- but it is a symbiotic power that controls you nearly as much as you will control it. You will lose some sovereignty but you also gain forgetfulness of what the sovereignty was, so gradually you don’t miss it…but you become more and more compromised regarding your actual personal power. That’s because the energies you will be handling are actually too strong for most humans to handle without contamination. Prolonged handling leads to symbiosis. It should be emphasized that although this feels powerful, it isn’t actually any power of your own, so the agency and power you would seek to grow organically from yourself reaches a point where it’s severely compromised. But you still experience the sensation of power- but like a puppet. A puppet that feels its strings but is amazed by what the strings can do.

Weigh the risks and the rewards carefully.


Should I go back to college to make money or am I right in seeking to start my own business using the internet or Amway?

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Hey thank you so much. It really made my day.

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The surest source of income for you is a conventional job, is what I hear. So, College and traditional jobs in between.

in between what?

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@Epsilon_The_Imperial Between now and college classes.