Practice Reading Akashic Records…

No. You do not have the skill or the energy to accomplish this and it is a distraction for you. If you wish to be truly triumphant over your enemies, then undermine their own goals and ambitions in secret and bite size ways. Undermine in silence.

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Lay down your fears and be at peace. Those who you seek will aid you and you will know kindness if you seek truthfully. Your life situations are not impossible and are being directed in ways you cannot foresee. The pain of living will pass. Your guides and spirit tribe and soul tribe are the spirits you should seek to know- they will bring you comfort. Begin with finding your spirit animal and pour out your heart to them. They will lead the way to the rest.

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What spirits are positively working with me, and which ones are not willing to do it (and why)?

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Thank you so much. Can I ask one more question if you don’t mind.

My question is related to my sister as she is trying IVF treatment for baby.

Question is will she have baby by using IVF?

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Hi! Can you answer a personal question without learning much of my personal info?

Hi @Post_lux_tenebrae ,Will the servitor I want to build be able to affect my computer or not?

Hi, i want to know which goetic demons are interested in working wih me? Many thanks.

Have been seeing Lucifer’s name everywhere, does he have any message for me ?

Thank you very much. May I ask you one more question, if you don’t mind.
Which demons of Goetia or Angels should I contact and start working with? Maybe I should stay away from magic altogether… Thx

Same question as previous poster, which spirits will work with me

What is my most likely path to feel happy and fulfilled in life?

Asmodiel and Asmodeus will work with you willingly, and Belial and Michael not so much. Michael will not work with you at this point because he sees too much hypocrisy and lack of seriousness, and Belial, ironically, for the exact same reason.

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If you make the question precise and detailed, I can look.

Actually- it will, but not in a serious way, only in the sense of millivolts. It is not powerful enough for substantial change.

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None right now. Angels and elementals beckon. Give them a shot for awhile. Fire elementals can be fun.

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Only the image of a trident. :trident:. This is a signature. Meditate upon it.

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What message does Azazel have for me? I don’t know why, but I never really felt confident in arguing myself with other people.

Okay. How was I quoted by my boss at work last week?

Any of the fae will work with you, Elemental kings will, specific angels- Anael, Gabriel and Raziel, specific Goetic spirits- Paimon, Vassago and Ronove.

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Clarify the question please- do you mean what tone did he use in imitating you, or how much did he charge you for something, or what was his opinion of you? The question as phrased is unclear.