Map or List of Demons in the United States

Hello, is there a map of the US and each place there might be a specific type of demon that is in each state or region? Or maybe there is a list of places in the US with the type of demon that stay there on it? Thank you.

Astaroth is related to the Americas, as far as I know.

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I don’t believe so, but it may depend on what you mean by “demon”.

If you mean higher being, then I don’t think those are tied to the land or state lines, which are imaginary and respected only by human agreement.

If you mean Fae, Djinn or other beings that some religions also use the word demon for, then those seem to show up as cryptids sometimes and you can get books on cryptids in the US, there are some that seem more regional than others. Earthbound energy beings may not manifest in physicality enough for us to notice patterns in where they live.


I don’t have a lists of demons per se, but if you looking to do some paranormal investigating. I have a bucket list of some pretty dark energy places all over the us. I know the ghost down and abandoned mining town s in the west/midwest have some “demonic” stories as well. But honestly you could probably find stuff in your hometown.

If you are interested in my list I am more the happy to share it.

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this made me think of the one time we were driving to Alaska through Wyoming, and in the middle of the night, I saw Jackalope on the side of the road. And then maybe 10 minutes later, we had an experience with antelope crossing the road and running into him in the pitch black.