Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

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Hi, my name is Corey. I have been practicing magick for about 3 years now. I started practicing magick with Hoodoo doing candle spells and creating mojo bags for success, money, and love all with pretty good success. I am also a big fan of sigil magick and have had good success with that as well leveraging it for several internal alchemy changes which needed to be done. In the past year I discovered BALG and have since started spirit magick with invocations. I’ve also recently been a recipient of JS Garrett’s Rite of Deification ritual with excellent results by the way. This rite truly accelerated my ascent and I am still noticing continued positive benefits 2 months later.

My goal is to embark on a pathworking with a spirit I can learn alot from and discover more about myself, my magickal abilities as well as secret knowledge of the universe (open to recommendations). I am currently struggling with spirit communication but since my rite of deification that has improved and I rave received images and words from spirits even having instances where I channel them. I look forward to learning from you guys and know many of you are very talented.


My name is junior I go bye hellraiser im am 30 years old I been on here before I forgot my password and email so I made another one I love to raise hell I help run a chat line I just want to learn everythingI would like to talk to Demons and learn their powers! And have their knowledge and a while back I did this trance I say the name I drink to water felt weird a little bit and the next day I went into the kitchen I seen a whole lot of big fly’s when I go to a next room thay was rite there so if anybody has any questions they can ask away and one more thing and I am trying to become a demon like the ghost rider


Incoming welcome baskets :alien:

If anyone hits any roadblocks in their practices or wants to expand their knowledge further these may come in handy :alien:

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@1111guy Welcome my man! Always great to see more hoodooists on here. Hope you enjoy you’re stay here!

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Thank you man!

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Hi everyone the name is SomeGuy and I am new to this. Honestly went from forced religion to atheism to well occultism.

I saw all the possibilities of what is available to those who practice magick and would like to learn.

Plus anything on money magick for a broke newbie would be appreciated; kinda in a pickle at the moment.

Please and thanks everyone


Enjoy the ride! :wink:

Take a look through this:

My name is Cedric, my self-initiation to Satan was in 2009 in a difficult period of my life, he (or they) helped me and my mother overcome that period that was postponed for years and that without their help could end badly from the beginning. Since then I try to understand these deities that have always been on our side, but I still can not overcome refraining from contacting them or creating a relationship with them because it seems that I would only be bothering them with my doubts. I have only directly asked something to them 4 times in my life, they always respond, and I feel that they have done much more than I am aware.

I am currently studying to be a psychologist, as a result of my interest in alchemical knowledge, a subject that has always fascinated me. What motivated me to join here was the possibility of sharing ideas and knowledge with other people who think similarly or share the same interest, although I admit I do not know much. Right now I’m struggling to open astral senses to learn more about the astral travels I had, also to commune with the demons more clearly.


Hello! I’m a total, 100% newb when it comes to these things. I already made a post explaining my situation, so I won’t go into it all over again. I hope to learn lots here!


Dobro dosao na forum brate

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No onda izvini. Hrvatski mi nije prvi jezik. Pa morao bi da znam. Babaroga je vjestica zar ne?


Onda uzivaj na forumu pa ako ti nesto treba samo reci :slight_smile:

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Hello, my name is Dani. Im 27 years old and I grew up in the Chicagoland area. My story is a bit of a long one so I’ll save it for another day lol. I joined the forum but haven’t formally introduced myself yet due to a bit of social anxiety I’m trying to overcome. I started studying different types of occult practices behind my fathers back when I was about 13. I was raised Catholic, like I’m sure many of you were. It just never sat right with me even as a child. Knowing that I didnt fit in, and looking over all the strange experiences I’ve had over my lifetime, I decided to start looking for my own path. It took me years to finally find it. I discovered Satanism not long after I had my son who is now 7. The more I learned, the more I discovered about myself… but the more I discovered the more questions I had that needed answers. I started with JOS and honestly had a lot of reason not to stay with them after a while. My boyfriend has been on this forum for a long time and introduced me to Koetting and Aseneths teachings. My mindset expanded even more so since so I’d like to thank them for that :slight_smile: I mainly work with the Egyptian Gods and finally found a pathworking that suits me… I’ve worked with Thoth for a while. He personally taught me a method of AP that worked better than any of the others that I tried… not long after I found something very similar in the emerald tablets. I worked with Thoth mainly but I’ve also worked with Horus quite a bit in the past. With the pathworking I’m taking I will be working with a few others. Otherwise I’ve worked with Andras and Azazel. I have Andras’ sigil tattood on my chest. He protects me, and has actually been with me since I was 8… maybe earlier but I dont remember. I grew up with a very open third eye and for the longest time I was terrified of the astral world and the beings in it because they always seemed to have a way of bothering me. I’m not afraid now, of course. Quite the opposite. I dont fear anything, im slightly telepathic, and can usually hear the Gods. I have constant dreams and visions of past lives, and small things that will happen in the (usually near) future. I can see auras and spirits pretty easily. I’m really sensitive to different energies especially negative. When I’m in a negative mood myself I need to be careful because I’ve produced so much negative energy I’ve actually really hurt the people around me… I’ve learned to control that for the most part. Goals? I do have goals and dreams but they’re so large and seemingly out of reach that I’d rather keep them to myself for now lol. I do wish to go back to school and study Archeology and Anthropology. I’d like to be on more and partake more in the forums and share my experiences down the road. For now I’d actually like to ask you guys to please send me positive energy. It actually took me a couple days to finish writing this because I’m going through a really hard time… my son is really sick and has been in and out of the hospital and doctors offices for a week now. I would honestly really appreciate it :heart:


Welcome sister! :blush:


My Intro:
Hi all, im sher, a 20 yr old guy.

Im really new to everything here so i hope you guys can understand and be patient haha:)

anyway, i am looking into spirit summoning to solve some of my problems after a friend recommended it.

Looking to learn a lot from you guys, thanks. :))


My name is Gwen, I am a 24 year old Transgender women from Australia. I started practising the occult since age 18 when my best friend Ash convicted me about it’s truth and I turned away from Asatruism. I was possessed and my spiritual and astral body was modified by the demonic entity called Omen to become a Succubus. I eventually had him exorcised from my system but it’s left me as a succubus.
Kinds of magick you like
Blood magic
Sex Magic
Chaos Magic
• Current goals
Turn me back into what I was before I was changed against my will.
• Current struggles
Finding a way how to change back from being a succubus spiritual wise.


Welcome, sister


Thank you :heart: