How to Remove and Stop Evil Eye

Respected Members

I am not a magician, every aspect of my life (career, financial, property, etc) have been affected due to evil eye and Hindu black magic courtesy of my neighbours, family members, etc.

I don’t know how to fight back.

Are there any basic steps I can learn to protect me, my mother, my home, my career, etc.


Gather sage, mint, and rosemary with some nails and put it in a jar then take fetish links (links that represents you) such as toe nails, peices of hair, spit, etc. And place them in the jar then call upon every deity you work with to help you empower the jar and change the jar yourself as well. Then place the jar where no one will find it. This should be a good start. If you’d like you can pm me the details and I’m more than willing to help.



I am not a magician and not mentally strong due to evil eye will it work for me ?


Nothing will work unless you believe it will, or at least, believe it’s possible. Doubt and disbelief are magick killers.


Meditation,meditation,meditation…on protection, happiness, and good health. Start with that and you will be fine
And what chef1964 just said.


Indeed. That jar should also, paired along with the other suggestions, make it difficult for them to touch you.


As a very basic ritual, you can put yourself into a very relaxed state, then, one by one visualize a bubble of pure white light surrounding you, your mother, your property, anyone and anything you wish to protect. After you’ve visualized these white spheres, say something along the lines of, “with the light of Divinity, I protect all of this from the workings of others, and return all negative energies to where they came from”. Then forget about it and go about your day. Do it every morning, and simply be confident that it’s working. Magick doesn’t need to be complicated to work.


How does one cause the evil eye?

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It’s basically a bad wish or curse. I think I have it somewhere

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The ‘Evil Eye’ is the name given to unconsciously directed negative energy. Every time somebody looks upon another with malice or ill-intent, they are sending that energy to the person whether they are aware of it or not.

When this energy is about you it affects you. It’s that simple.

Now in Indian cultures, they are aware of this unconscious energy. For this reason its even more effective. Because once you are aware of something, you are feeding it also with your own energy.

But this is exactly how it gets bad enough that one can claim…

KingB, the skills you need to defend yourself are indeed very minimal. You can cleanse your entire house with magically charged water.

Water itself is composed of millions of little crystals that are capable of sending and receiving energy Now think of what the human body is composed mostly of… :wink:

KingB all that matters is that you act and you believe what you are doing is effective. That’s all it takes.

If you want a prescribed remedy, I shall give it to you:

  1. Obtain water. Feel the love around you, from your family and friends and everybody in your life who makes you happy. Feel your love and desire to protect your family flowing into that water.

  2. Take that water and sprinkle it throughout your house. As you do so, feel how the water seems to magically alter the air around where you sprinkle it! Pay special attention to corners!


Thanks for all the comments and suggestions.

In my room’s wall I have a hand drawn pentacle (not pentagram) with black sketch pen on a round cut out paper . I pray to Goddess/Demoness Lilith, Ashtoreth, Hecate, Artemis Diana, Fairy Goddess Aine, Babalon.

I have seen Orgone pyramids online, do they work ?

Someday I would love to get professional help from this website but for now I can’t afford the charges. It’ll cost me around 125000 Rs in Indian currency.

And any ritual or meditation I do, I want to stay away from Hindu, Christian & Islamic practices and methods.


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Try the meditation that EA outlines at the end of this post. Do it for 9/13 days and see what the effect is. :smiling_imp:


There are pretty good mantras against ayin haraah evil eye. From yogic and tantric tradition and no yoga and tantra doesn’t have anything to do with the religion Hinduism

Hi KingB,

Perhaps try a good old unblinking eye pendant that are designed and have been used to protect people from the Evil Eye for ages…

You can either get an Eye of Horus:

Or a Greek style ‘Mati’:

Both of which are easy to find and are relatively inexpensive. You can purchase a number of them and hang them around your home (doors, windows) as well as keep one around your work area if possible… And if money is really that big of an issue then you can even print out the images and place them around your living/working areas.

If you’d like something completely non-denominational, then I’d also advise a simple mirror pendant which also works well… :slight_smile:

All the very best and I hope you find something that works for you



This mind set needs to go. You are strong. You’re strong as fuck. Say it with me, “I’m as strong as fuck, and my enemies will shit themselves when they see my strength”. Say it. Believe it. Believe it because it’s true. Never disempower yourself with such limiting thoughts. You have reserves of strength beyond your imagining.


Oh, and yes Orgone Pyramids work

Also, you might want to add Hestia/Vesta to the list of Goddesses you pray to - especially regarding keeping your home and family safe


Thanks for the Moral support !

Thanks for the information @GaiasGirl !

Nice to meet you !

Best Wishes

I have read on the internet that people who have troubled life and different kind of depressions and issues should not try occult practices.

So I have been reading many articles but never tried any practical work.

If I try something is it possible as I live in India the Hindu spirits, gods will be the first to appear because it’s their region. Does it work like that ? Region/ Culture based.

If I try to seek help against Evil Eye or Black magic can I seek help from a Demoness/ Goddess from different culture for example Fairy Goddess Aine ?


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Load of crap you can try it whatever is going on. If you want to remove evil from your path and you want to use a Hindu Deity i can suggest Kali-Ma! As for the Region/Culture based it doesn’t have to be, I’m an eclectic pagan, so you may start with a specific culture but you will most likely get other gods and goddesses from other cultures coming through!

Yes you can use Aine but im not sure if removal of the evil eye is under her juristiction. Maybe Pick another goddess to perform the removal of the evil eye & protection. Using Aine after that is done would be better as Aine would bring the blessings of Joy, Happiness & Wealth into your life.

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