Friends with Benefits: Back in Black (March Calendar Thread)

There are 12 members in this circle. #11, samm, messaged me privately with his desire.

If you don’t see your desire listed, PM me, because that means I don’t know it. I will update this post accordingly. I will copy and paste your desire into the post I make to remind people of who is up, when it is your turn.

You may notice that the dates don’t encompass the whole month. This is partly because we don’t have enough members to evenly divide the desires, and partly because we will need to reconvene to determine what we’re doing before potentially shutting this down or carrying it to its next incarnation. So, during the last six days of March we will not be fulfilling desires.

I have randomized the numbers, and here are the slots:

March 1-2: #5, arianna- “I would like a steady rise in monthly income.”

March 3-4: #2, Nightingale- “A domination spell (manipulation, no holds barred).”

March 5-6: #7, FraterMagni- “I’d like to get a girl called H. If you need more specifics feel free to let me know.”

March 7-8: #3, DiscordianBliss- “I want my neighbors’ dog to die.”

March 9-10: #6, adhi69- “I just want to get laid.”

March 11-12: #9, Khayman- “€5000 within a month of the ritual. More & sooner would be nice, of course, but €5k/1 month should be fantastic. Purpose: To help me out of a hole :-)”

March 13-14: #8, Sabina- "I want to get soon a very good paid job/enough money to support myself and to attract a certain person (E.L.) in my life to love me. "

March 15-16: #11, samm- “3 individuals are making my life hard at work, would be great to never have to see them again.”

March 17-18: #1, Velotak- “To see the income from my business continually rise in an accelerated pace.”

March 19-20: #12, GaiasGirl- “I’d like a change in lifestyle so I can focus completely on my magick and not have to worry about worldly and mundane things.” (Yes, she requested the same thing.)

March 21-22: #10, saturnskin- “I’d like a change in lifestyle so I can focus completely on my magick and not have to worry about worldly and mundane things.”

March 23-24: #4, Arcane- “Anyway, I want academic success until the end of this school year, as a goal. By this, I mean increasing my memory skills, understanding threshold, clarity in a nonphysical sense, motivation skills, as well as sharper divinatory abilities, etc.”

March 1-2


arianna- “I would like a steady rise in monthly income.”

Let’s get cracking.

I forgot to mention if you need the target, pm me and I’ll give it to you

Fuckin A. Let’s do this.

Got everything set up for arianna. Gonna start here shortly.

Already seeing small results ended up getting some extra time on the clock today!! Thanks every one. I know that was just the getting started phase. But nice to already be seeing results on day one :slight_smile:

I summoned bune yesterday for Arianna using the method given in The Sorcerer’s Secret

Arianna I made a little money-honey jar hoodo style for you to get more money monthly. Why I opted for this was because I felt I was advised to do it and because honey jars works"a la long" so it matches your wish to be a steady increase over a period of time. I used all kinds of wealth-money oils and herbs. I hope will work for you!

March 3-4


Nightingale- “A domination spell (manipulation, no holds barred).”

Note: You can PM him for more info if you need it.

Onto the work.

Im on it. :slight_smile:

arianna~ first day I collected all money/change and put it in a spot designated for you, intent towards accumulating overtime…
2nd day I did a ritual and sent out golden rings of prosperity to you.


If you all want a pic of the target pm me

Edit: to clarify when I say domination, I mean hardcore, shameless manipulation. I want her to bend to my will

I’m on it as well. When it’s over we should all share results.

Done… Called on dantalion… His energy was very strong. I literally felt pulling of my arm hair.

He appeared as a old man with gray hair, stooping forward with a wooden stick in one hand and a book in other hand.

Gave him the task and dismissed.

Tomorrow I will be offering him a candle dressed with the spirit powder of the target :wink:

Since this is a Domination thing and Azazel is my dom. I figured who better to take this to. It might be a different kind but I know he knows domination and would be the best one for me to go to.

So I petitioned Azazel for this :slight_smile:

Had a pretty fun toy I wanted to use.

Sent you codes via PM.

Already seeing results, very good everyone thank you :slight_smile:

I did my part for job nr 2 the manipulation one for nightingale. Nightingale, enjoy the outcome

Nightingale day 3&4: Harnessing power from Venus (since its stationing retrograde) to collect into your eyes, words, and hands…also to shed the layers around her heart that keep you from its power…
Got a heavy visualization of her in Shibari (japanese rope bondage) and Nightingale being in power and her enjoying it.

(I don’t just want her to be your slave, I want her to enjoy it too ;], good luck sailor! )

I was delayed a few days by something women call the ‘man-flu’, though I personally refer to it as a near-death experience, but I’m back in business and its done and you will soon have your prize :slight_smile: