I am proficient in various forms of Reiki, Archangel and Angel Therapy . I was Attuned to various form of reiki like Usui reiki, Tera Mai reiki, Karuna reiki, Full Spectrum Healing, Kundalini Reiki, Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing , Metatron Initiation , Lightarian Rays etc .
My spiritual journey started from the 2015 . and it was my My spiritual Awakening. I begin to receive Reiki Attunement from Steve Murray though his DVD. Later I took Attunements from Many Reiki channelers. Started to work on the Reiki symbols and Contact my Higher Self and started channelling Various energies through Initiations. I have Create method with Help of Angels, Archangels And other Higher spiritual being how to become Ascend Master in SINGLE Life time. I recommend To Download this E-book. I have discussed many Things about spirituality, Ascension and Some Myths and facts about them and contains 50 Ascension attunements, Empowerment and Initiations . Definitely This E-book will be Game changer and Eye opener if you are Spiritual Person.