The Black Widow…Seduce and Destroy.
“At first I believed I was Saint Mary Magdalene reincarnated, who stood at the Lord’s side among his many followers, wishing only to spread the word of God, but I soon realised I was The Great Whore Of Babylon, born to ride the seven-headed beast, adorned in scarlet and purple with pearls hanging from my neck, spreading only chaos and destruction”- A quote I enjoy
“Brutal, callous and proud, she believed she’d rule the earth forever. She spoke as a God and thought herself secure, saying that in her heart “I am, and there’s no one beside me; I shall not sit as a widow or know the loss of children””-quote about The Whore of Babylon
The Blonde Brujo.
Now, let’s drape ourselves in scarlet and purple, decorate ourselves with pearls and gold, then get drunk on the blood of saints and martyrs!