

I’m Francisco from Brazil. I would describe myself as a beginner in Magick although I’ve been an enthusiast of the occult for many years now. The problem is I tend to get lost too much on the theory/philosophical side of things and generally my practice lags behind. And also I haven’t been able to focus on my practice sequentially, just sparsely in time. I still have basic difficulties like gathering enough focus, energy and intent to my rituals. I’m so easily distracted that it’s been very frustrating, but I refuse to believe that “magick isn’t meant for me”. At this point, I’m still looking for a real magician for hire to get my mundane results but I certainly want to make the transition to the Godhood advocated by BALG and the LHP in general.

To give a little more info about me, I like classic authors like Franz Bardon, Crowley and Éliphas Lévi but I think I would benefit more from more modern approaches to magick, right now. Looking forward to learn a lot from you guys and very interested in the work of E.A. Koetting.