Been mostly a researcher (i guess you’d call an armchair magician) with bits of work in divination, energy work like reiki + combined with physical therapy, and basic sigil & candle magick. Working on practicing more and getting away from the armchair (and I’m definitely see the importance in getting in the practice + much like the importance of having the correct knowledge for better practice). I feel it’s like calling - this path… if not, it’s at least a stepping stone to where I need to be.
Hey, I may be in starter status, but I’m here nonetheless. Not looking to rush - especially due to personal complications.
Basic-ish Profile:
An old soul with experiences since I was about 3, but has been on the path of remembering my true self with shadow work here and there - Being given signs of a much higher calling throughout my life as it has best served me. Now I’m looking to do more. Be more. Be myself. Be active.
To create bliss, not just for myself, but for fellow like-minded, like-hearted members of community and future generations that can use that bliss to do the very same.
Started out with abilities in divination and some connection to both darkness and storms .
Loves nature , stars
and moon
For those that have visited my page, I leave you with this focus and reminder ::
Even with all of life’s difficulties; Even with the pursuits these different paths will allow us and the obsticles that will test us - and have tested us -
Never take this life so seriously. We were never meant to do so for this earthly existence.
So as much and as often as possible, live freely, shamelessly, vibrantly, passionately and with your cup so full of love that you share abundantly.
Know thy self. Be present. Let go. And just be.