

Hi!!! I’m Daniel and welcome to my profile!!! I’m a Christian and a history nerd! You want to learn about a certain cult, group, historical event or such I’m your guy!

My spiritual awaking story! Decided to limit this to my profile! When I was younger(18) I fell from a moving car at a very high speed in a accident that should of at worst killed me or left me crippled or at best caused internal damage or broken bones. I came out with only surface scars. I felt a connection with a higher being as a lie there I’m the hospital bed, In that moment my spiritual awaking truly began. I have felt and connected with God and the world I a way I never thought possible. My depression has become tolerable ,and have gotten into shape both physical and mentally! Yes, It did start before with me considering myself a Christian and starting to be interested, but it was all a prologue to that one moment. Since then I have been a constant road upwards, discovering my faith, my place in the world and my understanding of the world. That road is still ongoing and I hope you will be apart of my journey!