The description is surprisingly fitting.:smile:


Still INTP-T. I’ll never change apparently.

The A means Assertive as opposed to Turbulent.



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Where was this from?
Have you got a link please? :slightly_smiling_face:

When you finish the normal test just click on “get results”.

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Ah okay. Must have missed that part out. Thanks

I - Introverted 92%
N - iNtuitive 53%
T - Thinking 57%
P - Perceiving 56%
T - Turbulent 51%

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INFJ :face_with_hand_over_mouth::purple_heart:

Infp-t, the mediator

INTJ-A Architect. It can be lonely at the top. Being one of the rarest personality types and being among the most capable people, Architects know this all too well. They make up just two percent of the population, and women with this personality type are especially rare, forming only 0.8%. It can be difficult for Architects to find people who can keep up with their non-stop analysis of things. People with this personality type are imaginative yet decisive… ambitious yet like their privacy… curious about everything but remain focused.
Introverted 78%
Intuitive 66%
Thinking 69%
Judging 51%
Assertive 86%

Architects are confident in the subjects they take the time to understand, but, unfortunately, they are reluctant to bother with topics that involve social skills. White lies and small talk, even when useful, are hard for a personality type that needs truth and depth. Architects may even see many social practices as downright stupid.

But Architects like to win and dislike acting solely on emotions, and this can make it seem that way to other types who don’t understand them well. This may explain why many fictional villains are modeled on this personality type. But Architects are as likely as anyone else to act from integrity – or more, if to do so makes clear sense.

This is sooo me!!

Sooo I am one of 2% and I am a woman too so 0.8%. I always knew I was special :slight_smile:

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My test result was 100% accurate, I even paid for the profile to download lol

I’m sure there are exceptions. I don’t think that discredits the possibility of the test still being bias. @Bruby

Do you know what bias means? prejudice, a preconceived idea… Since when a test can be prejudiced? the test does not know you personally

You’re wrong.

Well the preconceived idea here is the poor grouping of the types based on a rudimentary understanding of their functions. The test was designed by a person afterall, who is responsible for said bias (obviously). @Bruby

And you’re an INTJ? I’m annoyed I had to explain this lmao.

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Today i feel ESTJ-A / ESTJ-T

INTJ…funny how it’s super rare for women, but pretty much every woman says they are one like it’s an achievement (“oh yes, I’m like totally an INTJ, and ‘cos it’s so similar to how men stereotypically think, you is totes gonna love me, and like, ummm, put like a ring on it” lol)…and then when the claimants meet an actual INTJ woman are like “damn she’s cold, what a bee-yatch”.

Cold as they may seem, they’re actually pretty sensitive. And it’s not just women; many people online think they’re INTJs because of tests like these.

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I’ve got enough self-awareness to know that the iciness is a defence.

It’s pretty easy to spot the actual INTJ’s from the fake INTJ’s…fake INTJ’s treat the result like it’s the be-all-and-end-all of personality…real INTJ’s recognise that it’s a bare-bones framework (like a skeleton) on which all of the richness of personality (e.g., experiences, tastes, preferences, personal styles, character, morality) build upon, and that thus INTJ’s are more than just an “architect” caricature personality.

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