Yellow candles

i learned a thing or two about candle spells from Santisima Muerte the other day and im deciding to share these things with you.

me and my family have been under constant attack recently, so i asked our lady of Death for a few pointers.
she led me to the yellow candle that i had but had not been using. i found out from her that it doesn’t really matter what color a candle is,any spell can be done with any candle, but certain colors have certain astral correspondences and work faster for certain spells.

having never done candle magic before (shocker right?) i had my doubts, but they were immediately cast aside when i realized how powerful this form of magic really is.(and how fast it can work if you have the right color candle)

now due to the title of this thread you may be asking…“isn’t that only for road openers?” YES AND NO. the yellow candle actually has 4 purposes.

most of us know about the road opener spell but i’m going to detail the 3 other uses one can use a yellow candle for. Firstly, the uncrossing or as Santisma Muerte described it to me “salvation”. this can be used to completely eradicate any magical attack that is coming against you.

secondly,(and this is where things get a bit more fun) CLOSING ROADS. it seems kind of obvious to me now, but you can do the complete opposite of a road opener and SHUT DOWN someone’s opportunities in life to the point where they wind up on the streets homeless. it also puts up …shall we say “roadblocks” to make sure a viable form of resistance to the magic is shut down immediately.

the 3rd (and most fun) is, as Santisima Muerte describe to me, “condemnation” while you may be thinking that this is the opposite of an uncrossing, you are not entirely correct. instead of creating binds that hold you back or bring someone harm this spell puts a mark on someone. its a mark that tells every spirit in the area (and outside of the area) that this person who you have visualized in the flames is to be attacked, and massively so. this spell instigates spiritual attack from forces LIGHT AND DARK. this is truly fucking someone over and in a BIGASS WAY. when you evoke a spirit you need to tell them what to do and they will only do what you command them to do… this spell tells ALL spirits to hold NO QUARTER and not to hold back anything.

goodl luck yall, have fun with these.


hmmm…interesting. I always thought that yellow candles are only good for communication…I only knew of baneful properties of black and red and grey …but again I am not that good in candle magic

All I could think of while rteading this excellent post was the Dynamis (as much a concept and need, as a personage, I suspect) mentioned yellow candles in this ritual: Dynamis : The Spirit Of Fast Results - from that:

Being under attack, needing to find the way back - very different causes, same human need. But please forgive me if my post is misplaced, I just happened to think of it (a lot) when reading this.

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Nice post, I’ve also been taught that the colors aren’t important but your post was very educational.

LSM has brought justice for me many times over the last year.