Would you do a ritual for me?

Outside would be nice! He really likes sweet things and nuts are fine :slight_smile:


Ohoh… well… how about “mild bitter” chocolate coated rice waffles?
Or should i exchange those with cherries? (but they are somewhat sour?

And how long should it stand outside?
And is it like with the offerings i did for lilith, that you have to throw them somewhere into nature after a while?


Would that suffice? :slight_frown::thinking::upside_down:


He’s quite lenient and isn’t very strict or specific when it comes to interacting with him. The offerings are more than enough :slight_smile: . He is quite pleased. Letting it stand out in nature or throwing it in the grass, a bush, leaving it out etc is preferred. If you can’t you could just throw it away in the trash afterwards.


Oh great :smiley: because it wasn’T my food XD


I guess i should do a ritual, and not expect that things will just work,
because you send someone/something to me ~:astonished:~
*Wow, that sounds even more stupid if you read it twice…

Hm… i haven’t tried anything with mercury before, but i’ll look into it and may try something with him.

I also will ask Nitika and a few names of Marduk for support.


Yes, it’s always a really good idea to do the exact opposite of what successful black magicians like E.A. Koetting have repeatedly advised people to do, also, those bottles under the kitchen sink, that was the really tasty lemonade the grownups were keeping all for themselves, and there is literally NO reason not to play in traffic, the cars love a good game of chase! :+1:

That feeling when you just want to actually, non-sexually and non-ironically, SPANK a grown man you’ve never met before?!?!

I am having that feeling right now… :sunglasses:



Yo D
Plan B is go 50 shades on your own ass

As a side note, I’m surprised how many dominatrix witch results show up. Didn’t think that would a thing.

Also are asmoday and asmodeus the same spirit?(I know that vid said yes but the discription from grimoires was different for those names)


Dunno, but if anyone wants to thrash themselves remotely to appease some dark goddess, use electrical flex, it combines a weight and sting you won’t be able to get on your own flesh so readily using leather. :wink:

You can plait it to make a self-handled whip quite easily.

Hmmn, I’m full of helpful tips, should I start including that one in the New Members Welcome I wonder? :thinking:




~You seem to not understand this line.

Yes, he wrote “multiplied”, he didn’t stated that he will send a servitor to me in order to make shit happen.

This is more like a “power boost”. ~If i’m not wrong.
But…the 24hours are allmost over…so

Except a dream, that might also has been triggered by the sage-tea just as well, i haven’t noticed a lot.

Just that i was more sensitive to certain incantations and lyrics,
that dogs were aware of my(?) presence and reacted pretty intense.

And that today a lot of things just went right :slight_smile:
--------------And before this turns into a stupid diary, i’m going to ask nitika for some sweet sweet money.

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It sounded stupid, because it was redundant.

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But if you go into a ritual NOT expecting it to succeed, and walk away from it NOT expecting it to have worked, you have taken the literal GOD of your own creation, which is YOU, out of the equation and severely undermined the likelhood of success!


equals: don’t believe that things will change for the better, just because they brought you “a little helper” for your magical problems.

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Belief is a force of its own in magick, and must be treated accordingly. This is what most people find anyway, even using chaos magick sigils you need to have a moment of total focus and belief.

Believe things WILL change for the better and you stand far more chance of success, this is true EVEN IF no magick has been done:


MEANS: that you shouln’t think, that shit will go just fine,
even with you doing nothing.

Sheesh… :upside_down:

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My point is that you SHOULD believe things will be just fine, because that is the correct mindset in most cases to facilitate magickal success, of which BELIEF is a factor, and also, use that successful feeling to proceed to do whatever actions with a positive and optimistic mindset.


Multiplied as in using my own energy as well as Ma’alth and a few other servitors.


How interesting. :thinking:
Whatever that means for me… i guess its somewhat good.

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Drachir. What they mean is have an optimistic mindset, and then do the work to make it happen no matter what. In Business or in Sports this is called achieving “The Flow State.” An Athlete would then have a vision of their goal and work towards that goal. So Optimism is your ability to feed energy into your goal on the Mental Level to make it work, and then of course there is the physical actions that follow.

Flow State is very real and important as it is a science. People who achieve this state of mind (I guess what you guys call TGS Trance or similar) have time fly by like its nothing as they are pleasurable engaged in their activities doing things the right way of course.


Clear your mind. Stay positive and move on with your life. The magick will work whether you believe in it or not. It takes a little bit of ironic faith.

Get your ego out of the way and let the magick work!