Working with Agares

Hi everyone.
So it’s an entire story (again, haha).
I wanted to talk to Agares, to ask for his help. (yes, with communication)
And, this person I know, can evoke and channel demons (don’t ask me how). He said, Agares appeared to him as an old man riding a crocodile that breathes fire. (and at first did not speak, which is normal for a first evocation)
After that Agares spoke, (because apparently my desire is strong) and said that I (me, Allie, not my friend) am allowed to work with him directly. He said a blood offering is not needed (I cut my arm a bit, it was just a drop but after, I felt tired as hell - friend said Agares accepted my offering).

Agares says that a blood offering isn’t needed and definitely not all the time. (ignorance on my part)
I suggested, to spread the word about Agares to anyone who’d benefit from his help and could appreciate him. He liked that, so in a way this is part of doing what I said already ^^
But, well when I pressed my friend: will he help me or not, Agares just repeated to work with him directly. (well he didn’t say no, he may have thought it was a bit high school to ask someone to ask him for help).
I can’t see or hear demons. I know that isn’t necessary.
I would like your advice, thoughts, suggestions…what would Agares like, how do I work with him? I…would like him to do what I ask him to do.
(Keep in mind I can’t really…buy things.) I have incense, some candles left, drew his sigil…
Oh apparently he said, a hand drawn sigil is a portal but a screen not so much. And to meditate on his enn (but, it isn’t even needed , the enn…a lot of practicioners don’t use the enn so, that could have been my friends idea).
After that Agares left and would speak no more.
So. I’ll do my best, to ask him, formally, officially and will sing his praises once he pulls through for me!



Good luck with working with him. I have tried with him but maybe am not strong enough. Keep us updated :slight_smile:

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I will, thank you.
Basically he listens to everyone even if we can’t hear or see them. If you want to, all you need to do is try again. Don’t forget, to offer a reward. and well be patient of course.
He comes across as someone who wants you to put in the work (according to that friend).
I don’t really have the energy today but hopefully tomorrow once I’ve eaten i’ll try again and tell you all about Agares!


Mini update:
I haven’t had the energy to really give Agares the ritual and things he deserves. But I did think about Agares and looked at his enn, and just talked.
So last night I was a little bit ill and fell asleep in the couch in front of my laptop. I had a dream about communication, with the person I hope to communicate with. It was on the channel we’d have contact (but I was on there talking to other friends before I zonked out). It’s as if I could hear his conversation? With a girl gasp, but about school I think. - all of this was a dream…I’m not sure what it means.
I rarely remember my dreams. So this felt significant.
Obviously the person is preoccupied with school but hello we all are. Maybe it’s a step in the right direction <3
All roads lead to my goal <3
Talk more about Agares later when I’ve given him a ritual he deserves.

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A ritual with duke Agares and prince Seere.(The goal is to get someone (a named individual) to contact me).
(disclaimer: I can’t see, or talk to demons. I asked friend to help me reach Agares and Seere - and of course that person agreed. - friend and I were chatting online. I’d like to share with you what the demons looked like, and what they said, as part of my agreement to both Agares and Seere, to spread the good word about them.)

Agares appeared (to friend) in the form of a wise old man, riding a massive crocodile. He had a hawk on one of his outstretched arms. He said that it was wise to call upon him, as his domain is bringing back runaways.
I asked what I wanted to ask Agares. I set a time limit of 3-4 weeks, and offered him 3 things: public recognition (I’d talk about him, spread the word about his power, I’d buy him a bottle of rum…and I wouldn’t eat candy for a month.)
Friend said that Agares listened to me silently (friend must have spoken my words out loud).
I repeated what I ask for (I did say please…)
A song started to play (in friend’s head? a song that he knew…with the title call me or something) Friend say it was a good sign, and to play that together with his enn - I did. I still do sometimes.
I repeat again…The hawk, on Agares’ arm says the name of (the person that I want to contact me). Agares releases it and it flies to the west. Agares doesn’t speak, but his actions say that he hunts for me (and agreed to the offerings, and time limit. Friend said that there were no bad vibes. overall, positive.)
(I was told to be persistent - pushy, by my friend. my speciality)
Once more I ask Agares outright, if he agrees with the offerings, and the time limit. He nods.
I ask if cookies count as candy (Agares grinned, and laughed and shook his head no. thank god).
(private thought: I didn’t ask about chocolate…or ice cream. I don’t know if I should risk it.)

Friend then focused on prince Seere. When he appeared, friend said he was ‘bright, shiny, all feathers’.
I introduce myself briefly, ask him what I want…and I offer him public recognition. and to burn a candle for him every day
(I can’t buy very many things, at all. So it’s all I can give)
More feathers, the sound of a bird of prey on the prowl.
Message from Seer: what you promised, you must do. You will do it. We will help.
(…Not sure if I must first fulfill all my promises before they help, or I do it along the way - except for the candles, havent’ missed a day.)
I ask: How do I act, what must I do, in the mean time?
The answer, came from Sallos (according to friend)=> Forget him. relinquish your desire and see him return. You won’t be able to, not now, so you’ll walk your path and pull, force of will growing each time you do.
(okay so that’s not ominous at all. I should just throw up my hands, and say fuck this shit? then why would a demon bother to help me, because if I don’t care, why would they…)
Message from demon (friend didn’t know which one at this point, too many in their head and they came on strong): feed the link and (person) will think of you - (okay how…geez they leave me with more questions than answers)
They see great promise, strong will (okay, one positive thing they said…) You have to know it will work and accept no other reality.
Friend mentioned something about the corresponding enochian angels. - don’t know if they followed up yet. It was like, 4 AM by then and I was getting tired.
Agares and Seere are close to me now, easy to call upon in real life - I’d have to ask or banish them for them to leave (I can’t see or feel them. They will speak through signs in the beginning.)
Signs: In a random horror/thriller movie I put on, there was (persons) favorite piano piece. I mean, it’s not that uncommon and not everything is a sign.
Silly things, like a reddit post about names mentioned his and my name in the same post (again, both of our real names are common). I see persons name pop up more. Like I said, it is a common name. But still, who knows.
This was done on Thursday and now we are Monday so I really can’t say anything yet.


You and I are in the same position. The girl I loved moved away. I’m now trying to bring her back into my life and to make her message but as of now nothing is working that well.

The feelings were mutual between me and this girl and I tried performing rituals with Dantallion, Belial, The Djinn, AoO, and my servitor to prevent her from moving, but it might have been to late for that.

Have you tried working with Yezelel? He’s known to reunite lost lovers.

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not yet; haven’t heard of him. might as well give it a go!
Magick really works you know. just yesterday I did another silly little NAP incantation for money and bam, twice already have I sold something.
That means love magick must do something as well.
We must have some kind of open mind and belief, I know it is too hard to get down and think nothing is gonna work and it won’t.
it does and something will happen but it may be a year

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I would like to thank agares for bringing a person back to me that had left for over a year now.
Agares is known for bringing people back that you may have distanced for various reasons even bring back after break ups

The person that was brought back to me was a lover and a relationship with lots of ups and downs.
We are not back as lovers but he is back to my life as a friend and I consider it a miracle and it’s a start
Agares brought him back and I hope this time he stays and doesn’t leave again.
A friend also helped me petitioning him aswell as I was not sure if my petition was made correctly by me or heard some weeks ago

Agares appeared in the black mirror of my friend while petitioning as a shadow face. It was a reflection of the candle but it wasn’t seen before as my friend said
My friend got spooked and told me about this and sent me a photo of it
but I beleive this was agares telling him the petition was heard. And it was actually heard because we did meet with my ex yesterday.
Petition was made two days ago for the second time by my friend in a week this time
It was a rirual free from writing what we wanted.
Thank you Agares

Rean ganen ayer da Agares⁠

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