Who's the strongest there is out there?

Welcome @prince_hakeem. Please introduce yourself in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.

Strongest.?? Well, At What?? Tsar Bomba surely makes the biggest bang, but would be worthless for smaller surgical ‘use’. Strongest I think is quite Irrelevant, as I believe Earths Contacts with “Spirits and Entities”/ Dieties depends largely on where we are positioned in the Galaxy. I highly doubt there is any spirit /god whatever… are All powerful Galactically and Though there may be such claimants { Yhwh, allah whoever} they are just that Claimants! Our puny Semi Evolved Apelike selves are easy prey for such claimants, we fall like autumn leaves before any entities with a wow factor. As for me; HOMO EST DEUS . is the Allpowerful and Strongest. I believe the Homo Sapiens, are in a R-Evolutionary Ascent and have never had a “Fall”. We made an Ascent… From Homo- ? to Homo Sapiens = HS1 to Homo Sapiens Sapiens=HS2, where we are generally now as some I think are simply still homo stupido mudman. Hermes Trimagestus is the R-Evolutionary Archtype for those HS2 who wish Will Desire and Work towards Homo Sapiens Sapiens Sapiens HS3 . Omni-Strength and Power, will not be easily achievable by simply “Feeding” and “Working” In 1 “Current”. So "who is strongest’ becomes irrelevant. in physics and Electronics [which I admit I am not even basically coherent at so feel free to set me straight] if you have an object needing to be powered or charged, one would be foolish to plug it into a full mega ohms Mega Volts mega watts etc. Thus are we as ‘current recipients’. We can increase our capacities… but only through decades of intense work… being plugged in the the "All-Powerful’ I can only hold as a foolish self delusion… with endless Examples in history. We can do alot with our 'simple 120w- 220 w current being-- but highly doubt I will ever witness any 2000w folks… lotsa claimants… very few producers. but reach for the sun, and good luck along the way.

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No such thing. There’s always someone or something “higher” in this endless existence, you’ll either meet them or you won’t it doesn’t matter really gauging who’s the strongest is a place of insecurity in one’s own power.

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